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Love me never, but if you love, better love me forever!! =P

Don't look to the future
Nor worry from the past
Each love will be different
But, only one will last

A MiLLion StaRs,A MiLLion Dreams,You're the only star i see and the only dream i dream...-- i do believe that God above,
created you 4 me 2 love
He picked you out from all the rest,
cuz he knew i would love you best
i had a heart, and it was true
but now it has gone from me 2 you
so take care of it as i have done
4 you have 2 and i have none
i may not always tell you how i feel
but the love i have 4 you, will always be real
you mean so much 2 me, more than you`ll ever know,
and i will always love you, wherever you may go
so when the day is rough and you don`t know what to do,
remember these words, i am saying now
i love you
Love is patient, Love is kind,
It does not envy, It does not boast,
It is not proud, It is not rude,
It is not self-seeking, It is not easily angered,
It keeps no record of wrongs, Love does not delight in evil,
but rejoices with the truth, It always protects,
Always trusts, Always Hopes,
Always perseveres. LoVe NeVeR FaiLs

Everyday I dream
I dream of you and me
Together we could walk
Always your hands in mine
Together we could talk
About our future and our life
We would be together
Sharing our laughters and our pain
You would tell me you love me
And I would tell you, too
But this is only a dream
A dream I wish was true
I guess it was never meant to be
But a dream it will always be

*~if only you knew~*
I can't find the words to say
Of how i feel this way
I want you..what can i do
2 make you want me next to you
If you look at me you'll understand
all I want is to hold your hand
I felt this way for so long
it hurts me that I don't belong
wanting you is just a dream
my heart aches I want to scream
i smile and laugh just thinking of you
together now I wish it was true.


> Friendship> I got your back> You got mine,> I'll help you out> Anytime. > ~*~*~> To see you hurt> To see you cry,> Makes me weep> And wanna die> ~*~*~ > And if you agree> To never fight,> It wouldn't matter> Who's wrong or right. > ~*~*~> If a broken heart> Needs a mend,> I'll be right there> To the end. > ~*~*~> If your cheeks are wet> From drops of tears,> Don't you worry, > Let go of your fears.> ~*~*~> Hand in hand> Love is sent,> We'll be friends > Till the end.

A part of you has grown in me, together forever we shall be, never apart, maybe in distance, but not in heart.........When you love someone and you love them with all your heart, it doesn`t disappear when you`re apart..... If love is a dream....Let me not wake....If love is confusion... Let my mind shake......If love is a fairytale....Do let me see....And if love is a person....Please let it be me....

hope u liked my page..if u didn't..TOO BAD!


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