
SHADI: Since I've known you, as our friendship and trust grew and other unexpected feelings sprung up, your friendship has always ment the world to me.
DOMMY: I love you, your the cutest! Memeber I'm always here for ya babe!
MARY: You have a unothadocs way of thinking. It's cool, love ya anyway.
DARRYL: Life is all messed up, who knows whats gonna happen in the next second. But even with all that unbstability of life, I hope u know I'm here for ya.
FRANKY: Even thought u act like and ass most of the time, which is normal for a borther.....still u suck. love ya, heh.
MISSY: Daahh, schools over, your always working we must find away to chill!
ADAM: The thug with a heart. Your my favorite thug cuz u have respect for more then just yourself!
TWINS ANNETTA AND ROSELBA: I've kown you guys for mad long and this year grade 10 was the 1st we really did shit! Yo math class....pure jokes!
PELLE: Your all fucked up and always seem lost. Wheres my fucing disc man!?
AYMAN: Stay out of trouble
ASHLEY: Ghetto, your the coolest.
CoCo: We went from bestfriends to enemies to long lost friends up and around back to friends and now meerly acquentances.

Grade 9

CELINE: I miss you so mcuh gurl!!! Come back!!
JENNY: Holy shit, we've been through so much garbage. It has to show for something. You and me friends for life!
CRAIG: ha ha ha, my little next door person.
WAYNE: Fucking cocksucker. Jokes, Friends, most hated who knows.
CYNTHIA: Sup toyou and your cousin Melissa.
LORI: I love you!!! Yo you so have to do something with my hair.
HEATHER: You have a lot to learn bout the world and shit.
MATT: Blondie!
ELIZABETH: Lizbee my daughter! I love you, try to call me sometimes man!
LYSA: Forgive me for putting your borther before you on this page! Love you, you little cute next door person!

Back in the day grade 8

CHRIS: Alph your the best!
JASON: Your the funniest kid! Say hi to danny and uh the other kid!!
HO: Cute lil asian noise. Fucking american man!
ALYSSA: Punk rox! Yeah right....jokes.
JACQUES: We've been through a lot of bullshit. But it's all good cuz we're still friends.
JUSTIN: Mah lil skater! Sometimes your quick to judge but you still cool!
JUSTIN: The christian kid who believe in all good. Your gonna slapped into the face when you get into the real world.
NAT: Yo bitch, fuck starting shit with me. Take it outside you whore. Heh, Yo sec 5 next year! hell yeah!
OMAIR: Your good looking, caring, smart --> the perfect gentilman! Them other chicks are blind and can't see perfect boy toy you could be!
TODD: Meh, Have a nice day!?

Grade 8

SEAN: Strange how you randomly found me!? Cool!
RAMBEROCE: Smokey 187....Love ya!
JEFF: I gave you all I had, in the end showed for nothing. The thaught of you simple leaves my mind blank. It's ok BoBo I still love you.
ROGER: I didn't even know you existed, but inthe last couple months you've become one of my bestfriends. love ya.
TYLER: You prob never will see this since your computer illiterate...he he he.
PHIL: My porker!!! Portugal for life!
MELISSA: We are family, I got all of my brothers & sisters with me!
VERONICA: Ika my 2nd mother fuck, just like Jenny.
CLAUDIA: Yo Terry FOx, good ol' days. You gotta stop freaking out when I spit...he he.
TONIA: Good times, good times this year.

Grade 8, last week of school

To all them Starnino chicks (jokes--Nadia, Julie, Sab)Sup, sec 5 next year! It's our year to shine!

To all the pple who chill with Julian and Montasano see you nect year!

French class was fucking funny! Montasano, Danny and all them other peeps! Thx for the blast.
Yo Eustace, English class this year was too much man! jokes after jokes!!
Moral class was the best!!! I lvoe all of yous!! Miss. Fournier is the best!!
Fucking Math class, nothing but a playground! Pure jokes!
History class, work work work.....still fun. Ha ha ha De silva, papper air planes!! Tony's glue stick!
Science, wow that was plain and simple learning! fucking sucked baked though!!

Grade 9


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