bout MOI

Monyka a.k.a Vision
Last year at P.C. here I come
in the area of Rockbottom
in West isalnd
U Can Reach Me On ICQ!
# 26408171
Pager: 204-3168

Well well, Hello there you! Remember don't let the sun shrivel up your sun dryed tomatos!! (for you Melissa)

He He He

One of the things I hate talking about is me, unless questions are asked. What to say I'm weird, and I like it!

This is me, shit like in sec 2!?

I'm now 17 years of age, it's monday after noon July 2nd. It's a day off of work cuz of canada day! I had a blast this year July 1st, cold but still wicked!

There's so much to say about family. But the only important thing, is that I feel that my family is important. I love you all and I hope you guys keep asecpting me for the freak I am.
Here's some pix of my Family

I use to be a pure rapper. I wore nothing but Nike, played b-ball all the time. Jammed to Tupac, west side for life. I had a crazy hair cut, chaved hair on the sides and the back with pony tail to top if off. My number one policy was to be straight up. iight well nnuf bout the past.

That's me last summer in Toronto.

It's hard to explain myself to nothing, no one on the other end responding. Meh, Even though i dress kinda punk I'm still a rapper at heart! Snoops the man, 2pac the thug in heaven, Da brat is mah main bitch. I love Pink Floyd, your not a tru burnner if you dont love Pink Floyd. I hate people who think they own the world, girls who kick the living shit out of a another girl her man cheated on her with the girl. It's the man should be gettin the licks! Back to music, I love jungle and techno remixs! Raves are amazing!! Nothing beats the embiance of a rave! Props to Wizzy noise!
To see pictures of mah fav artist go to my main page for the link.

I love cats! I have 6 cats, and lost a couple as the years went by. My cat's name is Majester, she's so gorgeous.
wanna see them cuties

Click on moi and Tobby (the cat)

Piercings and tattoos are a big part of my life. I'm totally into piercings. Both are incredebly addictive!!! Right now I'm at 12 peircings and stopping at 13, which is my lucky number. I don't feel like writing everything I have pierced, so hopefully I'll get pictures of all of them, then post them up here. I also have 3 tatttoos, I love them all. Some goes for the tattoo, pictures will be put up eventually. though, I do have a picture of a tattoo I want.

Guys take up a big part of my social life. Most of my friends are guys. I find most girl to be annoying. I've been running with guys all my life, most aspects of my mind think's like a guys. I love sports, music, cars, breaking stuff and faces. heh, Im proud to say I'm friends with all my ex boy toys. How bout them cars, I like many different cars, exoctic to muscle car I have an opinion. When it comes to the Viper there's nothing to say only droole....jokes.

Take a look

I like to go out, roller blading, snow blade in the winter (mini skies), party, I love to learn. My brain love to obsorbe history, science shit like that. Sports are amazing. I played on a girl touche football team this year, I found it to be much harder than real football. why, because its one hand touche you have to run twice as fast cuz one touche your gone. there arent any funbles. Rules suck but with reason. Yo, Denis Rodman was the bomb! Back in the days of the bulls! He's definetly my fav freak!!

Pictures of him, in his glory days
Colour scheme of Rodman

Something esle that's wicked is WWF!! All I have to say is Stone Cold Steve Austin all the way!
Literature is also a good passtime.
Words for the soul

click to see

Oh yeah, I shaved my head a while ago....umm it grew it's like 2 inchs long now. Do I regret it? Nah! It's all good, I'm growing my back so I can dread it for prom next year.
Have a nice day
-Mick Foley

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