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"Gather My Apostles"

News Letter Vol. 2

!! This is an Important Last Days Message to the Body of Christ !!

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Recently, I had written that we have crossed a line in time, things will not be the same as before. I wrote that, by the Spirit of God. About six months ago, I heard another preacher, talking about research that was done using the Jewish calendar. He was saying that according to that calendar and the new research, it was determined that the Lord was born on September 27 or 28, 4 B.C. He then went on to say, that time as we have known it, is over. According to this, 2000 years passed on Sept. 27 or 28 1996. As He spoke this, the Holy Spirit said, that this was the exact time that He delivered the Command to me, to "Gather My Apostles". My Spirit leaped, it was True!

On September 28, 1996; at this time that would mark the end of the 2000 years, the Lord called my name and then spoke to me at 5 a.m. to Gather His Apostles together from around the world, into one place and time, as has not been since the days of Pentecost. This was given as a Command, not a Prophesy. It requires Action, on our part. It will not fulfill itself.

We must understand that the dictionary definitions of an Apostle-- As one who is sent, or Angel--Messenger or Prophet--Messenger, these do not describe the Office and Calling of an Apostle or Prophet any more than it describes an Angel of the Lord and the different types.

What we are looking for, are the Ones on the Earth called by God, to be Apostles to the Lord Jesus Christ, through the Will of God and separated unto the Gospel.

I was writing a book, that the Lord had commanded me to write, that is now titled, "Gather My Apostles" when the Lord, delivered this Command to me. I have spent many sleepless nights wrestling with the Lord, about this task. To those of you who know, what it is, to be under a burden of the Lord to perform a seemingly impossible task, you know what I am talking about. Sometimes, you wish you could just let it slide, but you find that this is not the way to a peaceful nights sleep. I know the Lord, will not let it slide.

I am sincerely, trying to get some cooperation from the Body of Christ in His Kingdom and for the Lords Kingdom, to help me Find and Gather His Apostles, into one place and time.

I've never heard a Command from the Lord to His Church, like the Command He gave me. Not since He ascended on High, after Commanding His Apostles to Tarry in Jerusalem. If He had not commanded them to meet and wait, they would have scattered back to their own homes and back to fishing, just like they did, after the Lord had appeared unto them twice before that. Thank God, they were obedient to gather together and wait. The Lord did not speak to me about waiting. We must be obedient now.

The Lord in His own Order and Ways used the Apostles, to Usher in the Holy Spirit under the New Covenant, to Birth His Church. When the Lord spoke to me to Gather His Apostles, Now in this Time, this had never occurred to me. I can understand if this seems like it is coming out of left field to some of you. But I can and will assure you, that it did not come from my imagination or understanding.

But once He spoke this to me, I fully understood, perhaps, because of His teachings and words to me, over the past eight years while ministering overseas, concerning His Church. I have been called off of the mission field, for this purpose and time.

The subject of the Apostles of the Lord Jesus Christ has not been taught much and too many times, in error. So it is understandable if we don't fully understand. But it really is, a very important part, of God's Order for His Church. And THE LORD, Does Not Change,…He Did Not Change!!

It is easy to ignore this, you can say it is none of your business. But the affairs of the Kingdom of God on the Earth, IS OUR BUSINESS. The fulfilling of this Command, is Kingdom Business, at the Highest Level. If the Lord had given you this command, you know you would expect, help and cooperation. Your advice to those who heard would be to heed this word. So goes my advice.

We are not talking impossible. What He told me to do is very possible, not easy, but very possible. Especially, in the time we live in, with all the communications infrastructure the Lord has established including the World Wide Web.

The Lord spoke very clearly to me, surprising me, while I was watching a sermon on Television. The preaching was about the Glory of the Lord in the Last Days, the Lord spoke Loud and Clear. "I have given you the KEY, to Unlock My Glory and the Final move of my Spirit for these Last Days".

This is either the Truth or it is a Lie. I have wrestled with this, for over a year now. I know that it didn't come from my imagination. I am sure, Satan would not even want to talk about Apostles, after spending two thousand years, trying to Kill them OFF. And I know that I know the voice of my God. I have walked in places where my very survival depended on my Hearing the Voice of My God. After a long year of wrestling with this and challenging it. I am more sure than ever, that this is the Will of God.

For Jesus Sake, The Gospels Sake, for your sake and my sake, please take this seriously. This is, most serious!!

My part, as explained to me by the Lord, is to initiate this search and gathering. Then, I am to discern who is and is not an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ. This will not be easy and there will be many, not understanding, who will claim to be Apostles. If this sounds arrogant please read on, to hear what the Lord spoke to me. After He told me to Gather His Apostles, I prayed for three days almost continually, He would not speak to me, finally I got angry and I asked, "Why do you reveal this to me and what do you want me to do"? He spoke very clearly and told me, "I have given you the wisdom and understanding, to discern who is and who is not, an Apostle unto me." Then He said again, "Gather My Apostles".

The time really is short, and the times will become more and more perilous. We must obey the Lord as carefully as possible, to get through this time and to bring Glory to His Name. We are not called to wait at the Rapture Bus Stop. Though many seem to be.

If we can't even raise our little fingers to give the Lord this Meeting, that He has asked for, then what kind of shape, are we in? The Lord has told me, this will Usher in His Glory and the Final move of His Spirit. Does it seem so strange, that He would require us to acknowledge His Order and Ways, in these Very Last Days?

For those of you who did not read Volume One, In this issue I am writing briefly, what the Lord spoke to me. Volume One was written in much greater detail. Please let me know if you want a copy.

When I first received this Command, I didn't move quickly. I didn't even want to mention it to anyone, until I was sure and It was confirmed to me. I knew this was a high and shaking branch, to climb out on. But the day came, when the Lord told me to move quickly, He reminded me that there was only a short time.

This is either the Truth or it is not. It is either from God, or it is not. Either I'm an Apostle, with a command from God, or I am not. I testify to you, whoever you are, that this is True and from Jesus our Lord. Not only, would I be one of the Biggest Fools in the World for making these statements, if they were not from the Lord, but I would also be in very grave danger from the Lord. I am fully aware of this. There is a boldness in me, greater now, than I have ever known. THIS IS NOT A RELIGIOUS GAME.

The day the Lord spoke to me about giving me the Key that would Unlock His Glory and Final move of His Spirit for the Last Days. That same day, I was standing in my Mothers house, the Spirit of the Lord came upon me and I spoke boldly, "You are looking at one of the richest men, who ever lived". I could feel these Riches of the Spirit, through out my entire being, like I had never experienced before. It was Great! !

This Key cannot be turned by any one man alone. These riches that I spoke about, are for us right now.. Regarding this Gathering, I can tell you, I have heard things in the Spirit that I've never heard before, this is very serious. This is probably the most important and serious command given to the Church, in at least this Generation. I need your help.

If this has just come into your hands and you haven't read Volume one of Gather My Apostles Newsletter, please write me and I will send you a copy. If you don't understand this subject of Apostles and this Command to Gather them into One Place and Time, I have written extensively on the Subject.

Nothing I do is for the Praise of Men. I am not doing this for financial gain. I have worked as a missionary on the backside of the Earth, for eight years without gain or glory. With no help from the Church. I have spent all that I have, obeying the Lords commands to me and I would do it again, for the sake of the Souls brought to Christ. I am right now, doing all that is in my power, to bring this Meeting of the Lords Apostles together. I spend money I don't have, to get this to you, because I know how important this is. Is this boasting? No. I am one with a bit in my mouth and the Lord Jesus Christ, holds the reigns. I am A Bond Servant. The only alternative for me is to disobey. Any credit goes to God. If the Lord instructed me to build a Church and Pastor it here in America, that is what I would be doing right now. He hasn't, He has given me a Command to "Gather His Apostles".

I will tell you another truth, this Gathering of the Lords Apostles is so important, I wish I could stand at the end of it, and say, I paid for the whole thing. But the Lords way is to allow His people, to share in the Inheritance and Honor, of this Redeeming of Mankind. We don't fully comprehend what a privilege it is, to be able, to be partakers of this the Great Work of God, making us Joint Heirs with Jesus Christ.

Consider this carefully, I testify to you, that the Lord God Almighty has spoken to me and told me, that this Gathering of His Apostles will Unlock His Glory and the Final Move of His Spirit. This time, in the Ancient of Days, which is now, literally millions of believers will be gathered in the upper room with these Apostles by Television. The Spirit of God knows no bounds. It won't be a small upper room but a large auditorium. There will be many more, than twelve Apostles and they will be gathered, from the Nations of the Earth. Each one, having an assignment, given to them by the Lord Jesus Christ, the Head of the Church. The believers who gather together with them, in the Auditorium and by means of Television, will all be filled and changed, by this Unlocking of the Lords Glory and Spirit, for the Former and Latter Rain. The Lord will Anoint His Apostles with fresh new oil, to enable them to fulfill their Missions. Then, and At The Same Time, the Body of Christ at large. The Lord will be able to accomplish more in the earth in a short time, than we have been able to do in many generations. And the Time is Short.

We are in, a short window of time, where the Love, Mercy, and Grace of God, can still be manifest to the World, before, all Hell breaks loose on the Earth. The Lord in His Mercy is Calling us to Order. There will be no other time like this. Yes! Yes! We can, in these times expect the Lord to do things, like Gather His Apostles, after His own Order and Ways.

Do I know what is going to happen? It is more than I can comprehend. Of that, I am sure. Will this be the move of His Spirit, that will transform us, into the beautiful Bride of Christ without spot or wrinkle? But I do know what the Lord has spoken to me about this Gathering and most of what I know, I do share with you.

Let me tell you, what I have been impressed with, by the Spirit of the Lord:
As we make a concerted effort to find and bring these men together, we do it as unto repentance, for the lawlessness of the Church, in times past and God will Honor it. It is the Time. It is the Time.

The Churches under the influence of Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots and Abominations of the Earth (Rev. 17 &18), has slain and persecuted the Apostles and Prophets, not knowing, what Spirit they are of. The Pharisees and Sadducees were under the influence of this same spirit, when they crucified the Lord of Glory, Jesus the First Apostle.

Many were slain physically. But, you can slay an Apostle and Prophet by denying their existence and rendering their Office, Calling and Authority, of none effect, by your traditions. In the eyes of God, you would have slain an Apostle or Prophet. You can render the Word of God Himself, of none effect among you, by denying the Lord of Glory and, or His Mighty Power.

Satan has always intended to change the doctrine and Order of the Church, so that the Greatest Power on Earth, the Body of Christ, would be rendered helpless to oppose him. That is Satan's intent. Do you serve the Cause of Christ or the Cause of Satan?

Satan does not want this Gathering of the Apostles. I have already experienced serious attacks against me to stop me. But this is no surprise.

I hate to use this analogy because many resent the idea of any being likened to Generals in the Church. In VOL.1, I used Ministers of State, appointed by the King in his government, as an example. But for the sake of understanding, I must. God has an Order for the Church. In an Earthly Kingdom, the King has an Army. In that Army, there are those who sit in counsel with the King, to know what the King's wishes are for that Army. These would be called Generals, appointed by the King himself. These Generals would have the knowledge of the Kings strategies. At least, the strategies the King wanted them to have, to perform their duties. They would also be authorized, empowered by the King, to fulfill the Kings Will. How would the King react if you killed off his Generals? It would be an act of war against that King would it not? What would happen, if you just thumbed your nose at the Generals and would not listen to them. After all, from the General to the lowest private, they are all empowered to fulfill the Kings will.

If the Army was down trodden in battle and scattered, what would the King do? Would he gather his Generals and Captains, to begin, to restore Order, so that victory would be possible. Quite possibly. Who would want to resist, or sabotage this Armies restoration? The enemies of that Kingdom, that's who.

If the enemy, through propaganda, could convince all the soldiers, to kill all the officers in their own army, the enemy would have a clear victory. Do you think Satan doesn't know that? This is why he went after the Apostles and Prophets beginning in the early Church. Satan did it by propaganda (lies) to the Soldiers of Christ. These lies said there are no more Apostles. They would tell the people, Miracles went away with the Apostles. This struck at the Order of God's Church and at the Faith of the believers. Did they tell the people, miracles have stopped because we have changed to doctrines of men and made the Word of God, of none effect. Of course not, that would have brought rebellion.

Then, if anyone proclaimed to be an Apostle, he was slain immediately. Another lie was to DEIFY the first Apostles, making anyone who said they were an Apostle, Blasphemers. In any war, you try to kill the Commanders, then the messengers (communications) and supply lines. These are constant targets of the enemy in any war and Satan is not slack, concerning these strategies. We must be aware and alert.

God birthed His Church, when there was no doctrine of man, to resist His Order. The Lord used the Apostle Paul, to establish Order in the early Churches as well.

Brethren, I doubt seriously that this knowledge of this Command, to Gather the Lords Apostles, just fell into your hands by a random accident. I believe, those of us who have been given this knowledge and revelation should feel honored, by the Lord. I know, I do. What are you going to do with this knowledge and revelation. Are you going to get involved, or are you going to kick back, waiting to see?

Let me ask you some questions. Can the Lord speak to us, as a Body, using His Prophets and Apostles? Would He? ... And if He does, what does He expect? If the Lord Spoke this Command to many men, you would have the same number of men, organizing a meeting, but the Lord wants, Just the One Meeting. The Lord is not the Author of confusion and chaos. To avoid confusion and chaos, He might just give it to one man and then expect cooperation and help from the others. Does this make any sense?

When I was overseas ministering and the Lord would tell me to do something and then told me to go to His People for help. I understood, He was not unrighteous, to ask me to go to His People for Help. I knew that I had to be obedient, no matter what their reactions were. I was very aware, that If I didn't do as I was told and someone went to Hell that shouldn't have to, because I wouldn't obey the Lord, their blood would be on my hands. The Spirit of God made me understand this, early on.

Certainly, nothing has changed with this Command to, Gather His Apostles. If any thing the Ramifications, would be much greater. If the Church is not able to produce this meeting because of the Love of Money, Respect of Persons, Pride and Ego, Religious Doctrine, or whatever, I don't want to be held accountable for this should it fail. I will do my best. But I can't do it alone, nor was it intended that I should have to. So please forgive me, if anything I write here for understanding, has offended you. I would not, intentionally offend you. The same strand of the Blood of the Lamb, that pierces my soul, is in you also. You are my brethren, in Christ Jesus.

As I was writing, I was very aware of the Holy Spirit kicking in, to talk to you. I had intended to make this issue shorter than it is. There are several purposes intended by the Lord for this Publication. I hope that you are getting something out of this, that strengthens you, as a Saint of the Most High God.

I know that it is the Will of God for His People to understand His Order and Ways, so they can walk in them.

I have seen a new trend, working in our midst. There are ministers who are calling other men Apostles, as though the Calling, was a reward of men for great accomplishments or talents. This can only start a new false doctrine. We must be aware.

I am asking you to help me get these issues of Gather My Apostles News Letters to others in the Body of Christ. If you are able, please copy this, in it's entirety and pass it on. This is a very serious subject, especially for this time and with this Command from the Lord, to "Gather My Apostles". If you know any called to be an Apostle please have them communicate with me. Please pray for the success, of this Gathering of the Lord's Apostles.

You have, been given the means and ways to help in fulfilling this Command. We, as God's People on the Earth, His Saints, are the ones given the responsibility for carrying out His Will in the Earth. For many of you, it would take very little effort on your part to help bring this together. I do encourage you, to actively participate in the fulfilling of this Command. God Bless You All. I Love you.

In the book "Gather My Apostles" I write extensively about Apostles and Prophets. I believe the Book I have written, will help many bring everything into perspective. 

Remember, We are in a short window of time where the Love, Mercy and Grace of God, can still be manifest to the World, before all Hell breaks loose on the Earth. The Lord in His Mercy is Calling us to Order. There will be no other time like this.


Cary Goodwin

P.O. Box 2953

Summerville, South Carolina

USA 29484

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God Bless You

and Keep You

Unto the Day of

His Coming.



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