Angels Of Our Heart's

Hello and Welcome to Angels' Of Our Heart's Memorial site and Webring.
Thank you for expressing interest in the Angels Of Our Heart's Webring. I would first like tell you a little about the webring and then you can make the decision of whether you would like to join.
I made this ring for pages that were made with so much love as a tribute to a loss of a loved one. If you have such a site you have found your webring. Any type of loss is welcome to join.
There are only a few rules that apply to joining this ring, and they are as follows:
**There is aboslutely NO PROFANITY ALLOWED. If you have things on your pages that are not child viewing safe then your webpage will not be considered.
**You do have to place the webring on your site (preferably on the page that you put down when you apply), you have two weeks to get it on there or your site will automatically be removed
**It MUST be a memorial tribute
Rings are a great way to get more "traffic" to your site.
If this is something you would like to do...please join us :)
This site is for memorials, If you would like I will add their names and what ever you would like to go with it.
I started this site in Memory of my twin son's Gunnar and River who were Born Angels On
April 27th 1998 and My youngest son Dakotah Rayne
July 7th 1999 - September 6th 1999 who past away due to SIDS and Kim's son Spencer who was also Born an Angel February 13th 1998.
We would like to meet all of Our son's friends who are in Heaven with them and their families in hope that we can all be of some support and comfort to eachother. It is the hardest thing int he world for a parent to go through and this is one thing we all have in common, we have all lost a child one way or another and others we have loved. Whether that child was born asleep, SIDS, lost due to misscariage, neonatal death or when they were young kid's, it does not matter they were still our children no matter what people say or think.
Please feel free to email us and give us the information that you would like to have put by your child's name and we shall add it. If you have a Memorial page for your child please feel free to add the address and the title to the email and we will add a link to your page so that we can all visit your Angel.
Please come back soon.
Take care,
Nicole and Kim
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information on this site. To learn more about how
we use your information click here.
Email: foreverhearts@hotmail.com