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Reverence for Nature

We hold very high esteem for Akasha, the energy that runs through all living things and nonliving things alike. This is both the cause and effect of our wanting to reat other people well and wanting to have a fellowship with other human beings. However, since this energy flows not just through people but through everything, we believe it is important to have that same respect and love for nature. Some people even say we worship nature. Though I feel the word "worship" is a little strong, I feel "honor" is more appropriate. It serves to expain how close we are to the earth.

Different Wiccans express this respect for earth in different ways and to different degrees. Some show their love for nature in the simple act of recycling or picking up litter. Others are full-scale environmental activists. Wiccans are notorious for sharing their homes with animals (and not just cats!) and for enjoying activities like camping and hiking. Some are vegetarians; some eat meat because they feel it is more natural to do so. Though all of these things--vegetarians, environmental activitsts, nature lovers, pet owners--can be found in the general population, they can certainly be found in a higher percentage within the Wiccan community.
