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"an exquisite talent"
Sean Heaney/Songtalk Magazine

"smoothe, sexy vibrato"
Valerie Ridenour/Key West the News

Adrienne, a Boston Music award nominee, performs solo and with the duo Aye. She also co-operates Cosmo Recording, a 24 track recording facility and record label, owned by engineer/producer David Tortolano. Over the past years Adrienne has written and recorded 3 solo albums and we can look forward to the release of her 4th sometime next year. Sought out by RZI of Maine, Adrienne was chosen to write songs for a national music curriculum project, entitled, "Staying out of the Risky Zone," which addresses teenage issues of drugs and sexuality. Alone, and with Cosmo partners, Adrienne writes and sells commercial jingles, recently creating an online commercial for Scudder Investments. As a studio vocalist, Adrienne has sang on an array of artists recording projects, including such acts as, Martin Sexton, Steve Murphy, and most recently, Edible Grey and The Vine St. Horns.

for further information on Adrienne visit:
(See AYE link below)

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CHECK OUT Adrienne's Duo AYE!
Cosmo Recording Studio!
Singer/Songwriter Marsia Shuron Harris
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