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Petit Pois- A art site with some rather hilarous Zelda doujinshi. The other art there is quite good too.

Add Me! Add Me - A free service that adds you to a whole bunch of search engines, in one form.

Cooltext - This is where I got most of my logos from. This has got to be the BEST page to get free logos and such.

Eusic's Kupopolis Web Page - This is the closest thing to an "official" web page for the Interactive Story I take part in. Unfortunately for people who might like to join, the Story is on AOL.

Kevin the Great's Personal Dimension - Well, this is the fiend that came up with the Theme for the Day idea.

Link65's RPG Realm- A site with info on numerous games.

The Chocobo Adoption Center - This is where I got my chocobo. There are a lot of breeds to choose from.

The Northern Crater - Home of Ellcrys, a member of RPGamer's FF board. This page has a lot of great stuff, and has some artwork I did posted... even though you can find that here too.

The Slacker's Guide to HTML - If you need to learn HTML for anything come here, it saves time.

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