Welcome to Secret's Place!

favorite Crow image
ani-dragonWelcome to Secret's Homepage!ani-dragon
Hey there people who are brave enough to come here! It's a scary place, but I hope you like it. So come on in and have fun.
Please Visit the Message Board
OR if the board is down:
Sign my Dreambook 
Read my Dreambook 
More surveys on their way.
My arch nemesis husband Star Scream's official mention!
ani-blood line
dragonLife and Times Page centering around (brace yourself) my life!

dragonArtistic Things of Mine A collection of really nifty things from art to movies to TV to music to... neat stuff...

dragonMy Favorite Places A listing of my absolute favorite links. Lots of scary stuff...

dragonA Dedication to Music Just a little something that probably proves I'm overdramatic about music. *grin*

    A Page for Coey A very special page to a very special dog.  My dog, in fact.  And a dedication to the others like him.

dragonMy Very Own Message Board Come post something! Sorry about all of the advertisements, but having someone else do all the HTML worked better for me. *grin*

dragonThe Psychotic Chat Room Yes! It is finally my very own chat room! To make sure you're not alone when you come here, it's linked to a "Generation X" chat room. As soon as I get enough people to chat just in my chat room, I'll set it up so you can all chat with just each other. Until then though... *grin*

dragonWhat I Think About... My sometimes brutal but always honest (at least to myself) opinions on things...

     COFFEE!!! One of those wonderful, "You know you've had too much coffee when..." things.

dragonMy Own Little World Domination Plan Just a few ideas I jotted down about how it'd be if I ran the world... More to come, don't worry. *grin*

    Wishes for the New Year A semi-serious page stating what I'd like to see in the future...

dragonTestimonies of the Determined Orin Drake Something I wrote to remind myself and others of who I am, what I am, and never, ever, to mess with me. Have a great rest of your short little life. *grin*

     Why Someone Like Me Likes Marilyn Manson I'm sure a lot of people want to know...

     Keep Halloween Alive All Year Long! It's too good to be forgotten in the summer!

dragonLittle Black Book of Death Merely a list of people I hate/plan to kill...

dragonRequired Reading for the Human Race PLEASE read this list and ABIDE by it...

dragonA Lesson in Real Magic, An Interactive ArticleThis is something I have created JUST for people who call themselves pagans. Let's call it an interest report for myself...

dragonDarkness... This is a page all about the REAL creatures of the night, come on in and learn something.

dragonThe Cave of Dark and Deadly Things Does the psycho REALLY have a spiritual side? Well... not quite... *grin*

      My Favorite People Yes, I actually like very few creatures of the human race.

dragonA Look Back Into the 20th Century So I'm using a fake time machine ploy, so what. *grin*

dragonUnusual Pets in Need of a Home Adopt a little critter and give them a good website to live on, dammit!

dragonThe Gnarled Magenta Ribbon Campaign My own very very important ribbon campaign.

dragonThe Psychotic Webring Basepage Just what it says, join if you dare...

dragonDiscovery people, movie industry people, anyone remotely like that, CLICK HERE! I seem so... desperate, don't I? *grin*

    The Garden And the secrets begin to be revealed...

    Mythic Lover's Page Just a little project that I wanted to do for myself, but feel free to look, too.


Freedom vs. Pain
blue line
save dragons
Labyrinth dancers
stop the abuse
Email: truely@hotmail.com