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Roses Dreamcatcher


Roses Dreamcatcher

Sire: Painted Tru Tru - Black/Tobiano
Dam: Sheridan Rose - Brown/Tobiano

Roses Dreamcatcher and 1998 Foal
Roses Dreamcatcher & her 1998 Filly!

For Information On The Purchase of Roses Dreamcatcher Contact:

Chuck Rolando
(520) 485-0542

If we are not avialable, please leave a message!!
We will get back to you as soon as possible!!

Chuck & Josie Rolando

AHC Homepage  AHC Road Map!  Paint Horse Links 

Mares For Sale
Sheridan Rose  Roses Dreamcatcher  My Thunder Rose
First Class Lightning  Silver Stride  Dreamcatcher's '98 Filly 

Not For Sale
Rap Me First Class 
