
Pics of Friends

Sorry that some of these pictures aren't of the best quality but it's the best that I can do.

Samhain '97. From left to right---David, Veronica, Allison, and Me. Note: None of us was dressed up. :p

Again, Samhain '97. Left to right---Allison, Me, Joanne, Erika, Amanda, Veronica, Shannon, and David in front of Joanne's place, getting ready to get some candy! Yeah!

This would be my good friend Allison and I on the Fourth of July waiting for the fireworks to start. Ooh...that's a good picture of me.

Here is Elena dressed in some of my sister's more racier gear. She's usually very modest so she felt pretty skanky in those clothes, and the makeup I did for her made her condition worse. :( But never fear. Immediately after she wiped off the lipstick and went back to her normal attire.

This is my cyber familiar FireWing. As you can see he came to me as a phoenix, that legendary creature that returned from the ashes. Coincidence enough, that's the name of the city where I'm from. He guards my web site to make sure no close-minded people are able to run amok here. If you would like your own cyber familiar, check out my Pages page, and click on the appropriate banner. Kudos for FireWing!

Please check back soon. As soon as I get more time, I'll post new ones!

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