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Here are the thoughts for this week. If you want yours posted email me and be sure that you tell me if you would like you name attached to it. Remember to respect other people's work and that this is a place where everyone can be heard

*This is what Leo means to me:






What is Love? I always thought it was hugs and kisses….good times?

Why do some people crush it?


Why is Leo soooo fine????



Fun in the sun

Makes a person shine

Fun in the sun

Isn't it so divine?

Fun in the sun

Makes a heart beat faster

Fun in the sun

Why leave it behind?

-Naomi…yup me!

Do you think Leo will be going to the opening of his new movie? He hasn't been showing up to a lot of things.


Dear Leo,

What's up? Nothing much here I guess. So how's your summer been? Mines been all right. I am from Arizona and my name is Lilly. I am 16 years old. I think you’re a great accompllished actor. I think you should only keep it up if you want to…you like it right? Well anyways, what do you like to do anyways? I play volleyball and softball. I hang out in Ca during the summer a lot. Well I don't know what else to say but don't let fame change you! What people have told me it sounds like you’re a really a cool guy!


Luv Always,


Well that is all for now but I will be adding you comments and other things to this…so come back soon!!!!
