Chapter 2

When we arrived to the house we jumped out the car. Then, Javi took out the keys and opened the door.

"Man, what a house!", I exclaimed

"Yeah. And you haven't seen the rest"

"You're right. Let's got to our bedrooms"

"Ok, let's go", and we went upstairs. There, We saw about 6 bedrooms.

"Jesus! There's so many bedrooms!"

"Yeah. So let's start choosing", I said running to one.

"Wait for me!", Javi yelled running where I was.

"I found my perfect bedroom", I said.

"Me too!", and we went inside our bedrooms.

"Ok, Javi. Let's put an order in this place...."

"And then let's go shopping!"

"Yeah!!!!", and we started cleaning our bedrooms. After doing that, I went to the kitchen.

"Javi!!! There's no food!", I yelled

"And what do you want for me to do?!", she said.

"Let's go to buy some food, at least for tonight"

"Ok. Let's go", she said with a bored voice

"And then we go to shopping"



"Ok. Let's go", and we went to the car. While I was driving, Javi was looking out the window. When they arrived to the supermarket, they jumped down the car.

"Cayo.... I don't want to buy the food! I want to go shopping!", Javi said

"I don't want too, but we have to buy it. Wanna be with hungry tonight?"

"Nope. I've got an idea! Why don't we ask for fast food? It's much easier"

"No. We'll buy the food".

"Ok. Whatever....", and they started picking the things for the house. When they were ready, Cayo went to the cash, while Javi stopped to read a magazine.

She was doing that when she found an article about the Backstreet Boys. "Cayo!! Come and see this!", she said

"I can't I'm paying. Come here", I yelled. And she run over me.

"See... There's an article about the BSB. It says that they're on tour now"

"Really? Cool!", I said looking inside my wallet.

"They're coming here in a few days, gurls", the girl of the cash said

"Really? Where can we buy tickets?", Javi asked

"Javi! We won't buy tickets. We don't have money for that!", I said

"You can buy them in a market that's a few blocks from here"

"Thanks a lot!", Javi said.

"Sorry, but, what's your name, gurl?", the girl said.

"I'm Javi and she's Cayo. We're from Chile"

"Chile? That's so far away from here!"

"Yeah. What's your name?"

"Mine? It's Lucy. Pleased to meet you gurls!"

"Me too!", Javi and I said together.

"Well, here are the things. It's $ 30.00 "

"Ok. Here they are", I said.

"Thanks. Are you going to buy the tickets or not?", Lucy asked

"I don't know. I think it's not a thing about life and death...", I said

"But, Cayo! I want to go!", Javi yelled at me.

"Ok. We'll buy them"

"You like the BSB?", I asked Lucy

"Yup. Very much!"

"Really?", Javi asked.

"Yes. My fave one is Brian. And yours?"

"Mine..... In matter of fact, I don't have a fave one", Javi said.

"What about you, Cayo?"

"Me? I like Howie...."

"You like Howie?!?!?!?!", Javi said surprised.

"Yes, why?"

"Now I know who do you love!!. Hehe. I finally know it!"

"Shut up, Javi!", I said blushing.

"Man. You really love him!", Lucy said

"Why do you say so?" "Because nobody have ever got blushed for Howie. You're in REAL love!"

"Yes. I love him to death....."

"Cool! Ok let's go Cayo!", Javi said.

"Ok, Javi. See ya, Lucy!", I said

"See ya gurls! Was great to talk to you!", she said, and we left the supermarket.

"She's so cool!", I said.

"Yes, but did you notice something about her?"


"She didn't speak in Spanish. Not a little bit. Weird uh?"

"Yeah, you're right. Very weird....", I said leaving the things inside the jeep. When I finished, I jumped into the car. Javi was already inside the car. I turned the it on and started going out the parking place. Javi turned on the radio and there were playing Green Day.

"Leave it there!", I said

"You like Green Day?"

"Yup. They're cool!"

"Ok. Whatever. You're the man"

"What do you mean with that?"

"Nothing... nothing", and she started looking out.

"Come on Javi. What happen!"

"Nothing. It just that I wanted to listen another thing. I don't like Green Day..."

"You don't?"

"Nope. I don't"

"Ok. Change the radio if you want to"

"But, what about you?"

"Don't worry. Change it"

"Thanks gurl", and she turned it off.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to put a cassette..."

"Of whom?"

"Backstreet Boys. Obviously"

"Ok. Cool!"

"I knew you'll say that", and she put it. When they got to the Mall, they jumped out of the car and walked through the entrance.


"Wow! Man, I love this place!!", Javi said with sparkling eyes.

"It's looks cool. Let's start our trip around here, what do you think?", I said.

"Cool idea!", and we went to travel around the mall. We were doing that when Javi saw a music store.

"Let's go there!", she said

"Why?", I asked

"Because they might have tickets for the concert!"

"Javi. We won't buy tickets!!!"

"Please!!!!!! I want to meet the Boys!!!"

"No I won't buy them. Let's do something"


"Buy it yourself. You'll go and I won't have to go with you"

"Ok. Good idea!", and she went inside the music store There, she bought the ticket. When she paid she went out.

"Well, you bought it?", I said

"Yes, I did"

"Ok. So let's go keep on walking", and we went to another stores. When it got dark. We went back home. There, I went to my bedroom and felt asleep, while Javi, went to the living room to watch TV. When she got tired, she went to sleep.