After a foundation course in Art and drawing followed with a fashion-design course, I discovered around my 25th year 'the wonderful world of oil-paint'. Almost my whole life I had been drawing, but oil paint was a straightforward revelation. 'Love at first sight. My style of painting is called realistic or Realism, but I prefer to call it my own personal style.
I’m inspired by the Flemish Primitives (Flemish Masters), HansHolbein, Hans Memling, and Rogier van der Weijden. Their work is the model of perfection in painting technique, material-expression, composition and the use of color. It breathes the peace and harmony which I also want in my own work. On this website you can see a selection of some of my recent paintings. I am a portrait artist and my main work is portrait painting, usually for commissions. But, depending on the time I have, I also love to paint free work for exhibitions.
This is just a small example of some other paintings I have made in recent years, another picture of Elena (my godchild), Iris (the magic cat) and Tommy. Most of the paintings made for commission can not be shown because they are in private collections.