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About me

Helena de Groot Fine Portraits

Portet opdrachten, wilt u een verfijnd geschilderd portret? Portrait commissions Helena de Groot. 

After a foundation course in Art and drawing followed with a fashion-design course, I discovered around my 25th year 'the wonderful world of oil-paint'. Almost my whole life I had been drawing, but oil paint was a straightforward revelation. 'Love at first sight. My style of painting is called realistic or Realism, but I prefer to call it my own personal style.

I’m inspired by the Flemish Primitives (Flemish Masters), Hans Holbein, Hans Memling, and Rogier van der Weijden. Their work is the model of perfection in painting technique, material-expression, composition and the use of color. It breathes the peace and harmony which I also want  in my own work. On this website you can see a selection  of some of my recent paintings. I am a portrait artist and my main work is portrait painting, usually for commissions. But, depending on the time I have, I also love to paint free work for exhibitions.




This is just a small example of some other paintings I have made in recent years, another picture of Elena (my godchild), Iris (the magic cat) and Tommy. Most of the paintings made for commission can not be shown because they are in private collections.

the Annual CWAS, Changing World Art Show and Competition in September 2009 in Amsterdam. An annual Art Show for visual Artists inspired and motivated by the fast changes on Planet Earth. The CWAS is organized by thUpp, the Universal people planet. 

Blog Beurskrach 2008 - Stock Market Crash and the recession. Een blog over de beurskrach 2008, de financiële markten en de recessie. About the Stock Market Crash, the recession and the World Economy 

TrendsBridge Blog, current and emerging trends. Trends in the modern world and society, innovation and new trends in art and lifestyle.  

Kunstjaar 2009 Art International, Kunst uit Nederland en van over de hele wereld. Dutch and international Art directory.  

Kunstjaar Art,  Art news and  Exhibitions 

ArtOProjects, Art projects and contests around the World 

Kunstjaar - Dutch and International Art
Een overzicht van hedendaagse Kunst in Nederland en internationaal. Dutch and international Art directory, exhibitions, information, emerging artists and Internet related resources. 

Art-Represent, marketing, promotie, publiciteit,verkoop en bemiddeling voor kunstenaars. 


VirtualGalleries-World online gallery, promotion  for painters, sculptors, designers and photographers. 

MegaPromo Net,  Internet promotie voor kleine bedrijven, websites, producten, kunst en evenementen. Wij promoten U. 

Complaintsnet, heeft u klachten over uw provider,  ADSL, Telefoon of Hosting? 

ToDouBusiness.com- TuDou Business in China, doing business in China demands a clear strategy and understanding of the major trends that are going on in China. 


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