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Flames of the Dragon:

[Style] Developed by Anthony Marino. The Art of Superior Force, consists of powerful fist movements, and leg take downs, also power blocks, with retaliating strikes to vital parts of the body, and slow movements while in meditation, As you proceed through the different assessments of training, you will discover how your physical, mental, and spiritual characteristics entwine.

Style of Techniques:

The Flying Shadow: fast punching to organs, and vital parts of the attackers body.

The Wall of Flames: blocking, and returning powerful blows to the body.

Darkened Feet: fast lower kicking strikes to knock down your attacker.

Insulated Flesh: secret exercise to toughing up your flesh, by the usage of hot sand.

Sprouting Dragon: slow, head, neck, and lower body movements for relaxation, during meditation.

Flames of Passage:

1) Determination, 2) Reputation, 3) Image, 4) Honesty, 5) Defeat, 6) A New Tide 7)Council of fire, 8) Council's Eye, 9)Dragon's Cloud, 10) Black Dragon

A New Tide

Style founded by Anthony Marino. A beginning level of training practiced without a partner, and one's original essence; a state of awareness of this absolute or original condition.

Councils Eye

Founded by Anthony Marino. A ceremony to anoint a new student by dotting the eyes, eyelids, mouth, and tongue with ginseng, which symbolizes bringing to life. The ginseng that is used for this ceremony is held in a cup made from hollow ginseng root, and is applied with a new brush. This ceremony must be performed before the students training.

Council of Fire

A style developed by Anthony Marino, it is known for its use of isometric breathing exercises, low strong stances, and powerful hand techniques, which stress the use of the entire body to create strong powerful strikes. The fighting methods are based on the movements of fire.


Dragon's Cloud

Meditation Techniques to quiet the mind founded by Anthony Marino. Sitting quietly in a relaxed position watch your breathing. Feel how your belly rises and falls with the breath. Bring your total attention to the belly. Gradually you will find that the mind becomes more silent. Allow thoughts to come and go don't identify with them-just watch the belly rising and falling. Bring your entire attention to the incoming and outgoing breath through the nostrils-nothing else is needed. The mind stills and the mind quiets, then the cloud appears.

Black Dragon

A style created by Anthony Marino. It is a short-range fighting style that generates power from low rooted stances, and uses explosive techniques using the palms, fists, elbows, and dragon claw strikes.

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