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My artwork is about feelings, however I must warn you that I shall have to reveal a secret in the presentation for which you are perhaps not prepared. You cannot imagine what it means to me that you should be viewing my work. Nor do you have the slightest suspicion of the captivity, from which you are freeing me. The feverish emotions that most people hold secret inhabit my spirit in an uncontrollable manner. They surface suddenly and shamelessly, with no concern for social niceties. I behave according to my primitive impulses. At this time, I never consider the consequences of creating that which I desire. The work evolves spontaneously, motivated by my defiant nature. I do not consider this quality a virtue; on the contrary at times my insufferable feelings torture me since they cannot resist the unfathomable compulsion to be naughty and I must carry the weight of this behavior on my conscience. However, if I do not act, as I desire because of social pressure then in reality--my face becomes a mask.





