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Two people as friends, one woman and man. Nothing
more than this was intended for them. Surrounded
by strangers that they called their "friends",
they looked towards each other with all their
time they would spend.
Enjoying their time, their friendship grew. The
moments they shared were always so true. They did
not see it but something special had begun. All
they seen happening was they were having some fun.
As time went on feelings started to change. They
were always together, it all seemed so strange.
Thoughts always involved, the other it seemed.
Night came around the other they would always
These two friends, they have developed something
so wonderfully great. Their two hearts have
entered a special emotional state. Then one
evening of magical bliss. With hesitant thoughts
he gave her a kiss. Neither could imagine what
this moment could bring. With this wonderful
second it all felt like a dream.
Now, these two friends, This woman and man,
opened their hearts with no given plan. The
friendship still grew stronger, so did their
love. Realizing their theirs lives together were
a gift from above. Their hearts overflowed with
feelings unreal. They never imagined this type of
love they could feel.
Two lovers as friends, one woman and man, I will
always remember none of this had a plan. With
feelings so strong and the times we will spend. I
am so happy I am in love with my friend.

Al,,,,,I love you babe .now and forever,,,


February 2 2003