Electric Cafe

Music and lyrics by Kraftwerk.


   Translation (English)

Electric Cafe

[French *] Musique rythmique Rhythmic music
Son electronique Electronic sound
L'art politique Political art
A l'age atomique In the atomic age

Electric Cafe

[French] Culture physique Physical culture
Cuisine dietetique Diet food
L'art dynamique Dyanmic art
A l'age atomique In the atomic age

Electric Cafe

[Spanish] Música electrónica Electronic music
Figura rítmica Rhythmic figure
Arte política Political art
De la era atómica Of the atomic age

Electric Cafe

[French] Images synthetique Synthetic images
Forme estetique Aesthetic form
L'art poetique Poetic art
A l'age atomique In the atomic age

Electric Cafe

[repeat *]

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