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the seventeenth wheeL

the seventeenth wheeL is an independent clothing line created, designed and run by one laydee. The clothing reflects Baltimore's funkdified Charm City style. the seventeenth wheeL is sold at SHiNE Collective, located in Baltimore, off the avenue in Hampden. the seventeenth wheeL will be having its debut fashion show, "First Spin," sometime in late december, at the Charm City Art Space. Check back later for an exact date. About the Artist hello! my name is patrice gentile, and i want to say thanks for checking out the seventeenth wheeL! I want to thank everyone who supported me and my clothing line and also thanks to everyone who said i couldn't do it, i owe alot to all of you ;) This website is pretty scanty, but I'm hoping to move on to bigger and better things soon.

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ShiNE Collective!
Sophia puts all you wannabes to shame!!
rocafella ya'll
Andy would do it!--cooL stuff
