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Taleen Temizian 
‘…The relationship between signifier and signified is insecure and unstable’. (Multiculturalism) [-Critical Multiculturalism and the Politics of Signification.] - Born in Fresno-California, Found by my Armenian parents, painting on the corner of my playroom wall, when just uttering words, before talking properly. -Rolled in an art school, where I wasn’t their favourite at all, since I broke the rules, painting in avant-garde, abstract way, when five. -But, having been at the painting school for ten years (with intervals for my usual education reasons) , basic rules had shaped me, so I could improvise afterwards. - wanting to know more, followed the traces of Paul Guiragossian, private, exclusive courses of sculpture and painting with a great Sculpture artist Zouheir Dabbagh, showing my paintings in three group exhibitions. - My direction went to figures, colour theories and conceptual, surreal art. - joined the French fashion school (Esmod), studying style, figures, and trends. as STYLISM ,along with my literature and human sciences studies at the university. - For almost three years, besides all complimentary workshops and personal efforts. where my vision directed me more into art and theatre inspired design through different concepts and theories in ancient art, represented, in order to shape an avant-garde one, i.e./ interpreting fashion as art, understanding the aesthetics of modernity. - My brain would explode someday, shaping, to give the message that I was born for. So I decided to go where beauty, art, fashion and spirituality can be, Italy and France. I contemplated, to know who I am. kept on painting, - An Armenian philosophy and language professor, , priest was my spiritual guide in Venice. - Worked with few Venecian artists, trying to absorb their authenticity. -So, after Italy, its Paris, the fashion capital, where I met and was trained by the creative twins, TARLOYAN, the icon specialists from BEUX ART in Brussels, theatre costume creators, who played creative role in Galliano’s and Lacroix’s past years work ,before finding their own way to Parisian haute couture,and musical theatre’s costumes, with their gothic spirit, and guided me in doing my Paris (fashion as art) portfolio, that I called; [Burlesque In The Backstage Of Theatre Gothic]. -In Paris, I met ‘Ruben’, painter, professor of ‘The Theory Of Colours’, who trained me , while preparing his exhibition in Florence-Italy. East and West had inspired new worlds, and me, giving the impact of that profound experience of old. Archizen & Biophysics, constantly leaving me on the borderlines of being and not being, made me scream the rage that’s in me, through my paintings. - My personal works of art, far from the limitations schools had imposed on me, were inspired by classics like Federico Fellini’s surreal frames, The Russian Opera of Mussorski, Middle ages and Bosch, Picasso, Kandinski, Man Ray in Tate modern, Marquez, Kafka, Ibsen, Kipling, the Armenian manuscripts of one of the oldest Churche’s in history, the Gothic Britain , the culture of Fairies and Witches and their modern understanding, represented by Kate Bush. The Bauhaus school, Romantics, New Romantics, existentialists, realists. Pink Floyd, Spirituals, Gershwin, blues, and all that jazz. - My childhood lullabies of Brahms, Rakhmaninov, Stravinsky, Eric Satie, Boulez, Bach and Albinoni. that I owe to my late father. - While in Paris, I was nominated as the Poet of the year 2001, by the International Library of Poetry, Hollywood-USA. However, - nothing could change my direction as choosing to express my poetry through my paintings. - After travelling around this planet, I found myself in love, so I had to move to London. Where I got in Saint Martin’s college. (The Temple Of Art and Fashion), learning about-Art Direction, Fashion Portfolio, Computer art and collage and fashion Journalism. - Worked in the team of pantomime costume project, in the fashion & textile museum, where I met an important British fashion icon, Zandra Rhodes. - And after all, I love artistic creation in all its ways. - London 2003-2004 showed my work in Greenwich and East London Galleries, Being strongly inspired by ‘Love‘ that told me lot of stories, told me much about Devotion. Taleen Temizian