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Welcome to The Charcoal Man  

Tuesday, April 20, 2004 11:38:53 AM

A little about myself...
My Favorite Websites...Again
A Visual Aidling
A 2-way road...



You are theHit Counterperson on this website!

Welcome to The Charcoal Man

Hello and welcome. This is basically a website to tell people about myself and my interests. Feel free to browse around and I'm always open to comments and suggestions. I hope you enjoy your visit here, and I sincerely hope you will visit us again soon. Thank you for visiting and I'll see ya around. Chao.


My Favorite Websites


Some of my most favorite websites. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do.

bulletI'd say this is my favorite game to date
bulletAnother excellent RPG game, quite challenging
bulletThe best stick animation I've seen so far. Very Impressive!

I'll try to get some weather updates here. I'm still a website 'noob' so pardon my website building skills. There's bound to be some mistakes somewhere. lol.


COMING SOON!... I hope.

Click here to check the local time, (if you're from my area then its probably local for you)

A Visual Aidling

Communities & Forums

This is where one might find visual perceptions to stimulate thought and wonder.


Oh, and you can usually find me on MSN at times. Feel free to add me or write to me or whatever.

--it might not work, go to 'A 2-way road...' for more info.

bullet My Email Address

Home | A little about myself... | Interests | My Favorite Websites...Again | A Visual Aidling | A 2-way road...

This site was last updated 04/20/04