Camp Prep Page Packing list For Overnight Campers:
You may copy and paste this page for printing.
* = required
Op = Optional
Please label all clothes and belongings. It is also a good idea to make a list of a camper's clothes and belongings. This aids in packing to go home. We are not responsible for any items lost.
Clothes For Riding and Other Activities:Please bring a variety of clothing suitable for all types of weather, as Washington can be unpredictable. Anything that can get ripped, dirty, etc. is suitable. You can bring shorts, Tees, tank tops, sweatshirts.
*A few pair of jeans, breeches, or long pants. It is best to go with non slippery materials.
*Ankle/paddock boots with a 1/2 inch heel are ideal. Half chaps are wonderful. Dress boots in rubber or leather are not recommended. Please no hiking boots or high heeled cowboy boots. Also no boots with super shiny slick soles. Please don't wear new boots to camp. Break them in long before coming to camp. Blisters seem to be the most common ailment at camp. Riding in tennis shoes or sandals is prohibited.
*Lots of socks & Underwear
*Grubby Tennis Shoes
Op-Swimsuit and flip flops or water shoes
*jacket / windbreaker
*Long sleeve shirts for sun protection.
*Heavy sweaters, sweatshirts or jacket
Op-Raincoat or poncho
*Lightweight jacket or windbreaker
OP-Cap or hat
Op-Safety helmet made for RIDING only. Must be ASTM or SEI certified. NO bike helmets allowed. Helmets can be purchased at a local tack store for about $40.00. Tack Room Too in Olympia gives a 5% discount to all Chastain Mist campers. A helmet will be provided if you don’t have one, but sharing sweaty helmets in hot weather isn't fun for campers.
Laundry service is available for $10/week or $7.00/load whichever is less. Laundry goes out on Saturday and returns on Sunday. This can be deducted from your Mane Market account.
Personal Equipment:* beach towel
*Water bottle
*Toothbrush and toothpaste
* Any shower items that you wish to bring- soap, shampoo, etc.
Op-Insect repellent
Medications: Medications need to be brought in their original container and handed over at check in. The medication will be stored in a locked cabinet and will be given to the camper as needed. A parental consent form must be signed before any medications can be administered. This includes all over the counter products, ie benadryl, hydrocortisone, etc. Download medical consent form here and submit at check in along with medications.
For your room:Bedding will be provided for campers flying in.
*Sleeping bag(s) and extra blanket.
*pillow & pillowcase
Op-battery operated night light
* Permission forms, etc. signed and ready
Op-spending money for Mane Market
Op- Camera If you opt to send a digital camera, please send one that if lost, won't break the bank. I cannot tell you how many times an expensive camera goes missing... This presents us with a very worried camper. We always find them, but not without much unnecessary panic and disruption. We sell disposable cameras in the store.
Op- iPod Listening to music is only allowed before bed, not during the day, and not all night long. We feel ipods can inhibit ones ability to meet others, they can create a bubble around you and by doing this, campers miss out on the fun of camp.
Not Allowed:Floats for pool
Chewing gum
Anything illegal
We used to have a ban on all cell phones. Times have changed, and mobile phones are a way of life. They are our cameras, our journals, and our contact with the outside world. We allow phones now, however any misuse or if it becomes a barrier between you and other campers, we will confiscate.
Messages may be left for campers at 360-780-0808 or they may be emailed to ChastainMist@gmail.com . There is a $1 charge for each email delivered to campers. This comes out of the camper's Mane Market account.
Packing list for Day Campers:
-Riding boots (ankle high)
-Sack lunch, water, snack
-Helmet if you have one, no bike helmets allowed
-Comfy grubby sturdy tennis shoes
-Swim suit (swimming is not guaranteed, but possible)
-Clothing for hotter weather (shorts, tanks, etc.) to wear when not riding
Arrive in riding clothes- long pants, boots.
When you pull in, please don't block garage, please drive slowly as there are campers everywhere, and please stay by your vehicle. The camp director will come to you and sign you in. Thanks!
Directions to camp
Address of camp: 3728 South Bay Road NE
Olympia WA 98506
The Mane Market & The Whinny Nicker Bank
The Mane Market is the onsite country store at Chastain Mist. It is open 3x a day. The Mane Market offers an abundance of super fun items, including:
Morning: Muffins, breakfast bars, fresh fruit, donuts, chocolate milk, orange juice, more.
Night time: popcorn, hot cocoa, glow sticks, more.
Always: Cold drinks like soda, fruit juices, and Gatorade. Candy bars, Otter pops, horse treats, granola bars, Pringles, Laffy taffy, pixy sticks, apples, cookies, brownies, lots more!
Also- Summer camp postcards, postage stamps, horse jewelry, sun block, Riding Academy hats, Camp t-shirts, stationary, stuffed animals, horse pens, camp pencils, etc.
We realize the importance of good nutrition while at camp. We encourage campers to make good choices when purchasing snacks, and we limit sugary purchases.
The Mane Market’s items are very reasonably priced. (for example: soda .75, muffins 1.00, Otter pops .75, post cards 1.00)
Sometimes a camper may need something not offered at the store. We accept camper requests.
Campers (day and overnight) can deposit their cash in the Whinny Nicker Bank for safe keeping. A tab is kept during camp, and the remaining balance is sent home at the end of camp. A record of the camper’s bank transactions are kept at camp and are available for parents to view upon request. Most week long residential campers find that $30.00 to $50.00 is an adequate amount.
Arrival/ Departure Times
Check in at 4pm on Sunday.
Day campers can be dropped off at 8am. Absolutely no early arrivals. The gates will not be unlocked until 4.
PICK UP: Week long Campers are to be picked up at 5 pm on Friday. Three day Campers are to be picked up at 6pm on Wed.
Day campers are picked up at 6pm or 9pm, depending on if you are signed up for long or XTRA long days.
A late fee of $1.00/ minute will be charged if picked up after designated pick up time, this applies to all campers.
Care packages
Care packages and letters to campers should be mailed to:
3728 South Bay Road NE
Olympia WA 98506Please don't send packages or letters to the PO BOX. We don't check it during camp.
Please leave your non service animal in the car.