RIDING- All campers have a semi private, 2 hour long riding lesson each day under a professional instructor. However, this is not the only riding done at camp. Throughout the day, counselors will organize polo matches, bareback challenges, trail rides, and more. The lesson, though, is split into two parts. Half of the lesson is mounted, the other half is spent tacking and grooming. Chastain Mist instructors choose the horse most suited to each camper based on his/her abilities and chosen discipline, and they also try to accomodate a camper's request. Most campers choose to stick with one horse during their entire session, but others are looking to broaden their horizons and are anxious to ride as many different horses as possible, which we are happy to accomodate. Each rider will be assigned to a group of similar age & ability, but siblings and friends who really want to ride in the same group are allowed to, even if they are different ages/abilities.
The more advanced riders learn equestrian mastery under a professional instructor in Dressage, Cross Country, Western, and Hunter.
Beginners are given careful instruction under a keen eye to prevent bad habits from starting. We make sure that we start riders correctly, establishing a strong foundation from day one. From seat, to legs, to hands, nothing goes overlooked. We take extra time and it shows.
Chastain Mist is also perfect for that rider who has reached a plateau and needs help reaching the next level.
On the first night of camp, each camper has a one on one interview with the owner, Misti Chastain. She gets to know each camper's horsey history, thoughts about horseback riding, her camp goals, her long term goals, what she most wants to do at camp, and more. She spends hours pouring over all of the information received and uses it to determine 1)Each Camper's ability level 2) The best horse for the camper and 3) The learning style of the camper and the best matched instructor for her.
Through careful evaluation and personalized programs we are able to help riders develop a plan to achieve their goals at camp, and beyond.
TRAINING PHILOSOPHY- Natural Horsemanship is the most popular method used in training at Chastain Mist, hence the great attitudes displayed by our horses. Our beginner mounts are extremely gentle, and our advanced mounts are challenging but forgiving. Not ill mannered in any way.