"I feel like I'm in Virginia horse country." Camper parent, open house 2009
"Hello Misti – We really enjoyed seeing your place over the weekend. Caroline is now so excited about coming to camp that she has started a countdown! Plus, her concern about staying overnight has simply vanished!" Shirley K.
"Sending my daughter to Chastain Mist was the best decision I have ever made. The positive energy and encouragement she received while at camp has helped her to realize she is in control of her destiny, and she can do anything she sets her mind to. She came home and promptly hung up the sign she got at camp reading 'You can Achieve What You Believe'. Thank you!" Hannah L.
"Thank you for providing my daughters with a Summer they will never forget! It is almost Christmas and they are still talking about things they learned and the fun they had at Chastain Mist. They will be back next Summer for positively sure." Pamela R.
"My niece was worried about going to camp without a friend. The counselors at Chastain Mist went above and beyond to make sure she was comfortable. Everyone was so nice, and appropriately helped her work through her insecurity. It took no time at all before she was making friends and having a blast. She even participated in the talent show!"Justine S.
"At my daughter's stable in LA, she was having a difficult time with cantering and leads. Her instructor at Chastain Mist clearly defined the process to the point where Mikayla could really visualize the end result. It helped her over the hump that she had been struggling with for months. I just wanted to say Thank You to the instructors because cantering was a challenge that was turning her riding lessons into a negative experience. I didn't realize that Chastain Mist would provide such expert one on one instruction. I am impressed and very appreciative." Mary M.