Here campers decide if they want to stay with the same horse for the day, ride English or Western, re-cap previous lesson and establish goals for next lesson, we discuss the schedule, and campers sign up for evening activities. Campers are able to discuss any issues they have with their lessons, horse, fellow campers, etc.
830- Catch Up Horses
930-1130 am Half of the campers are in Station I (riding) and the other half are in Station II
Station I: Riding Lesson- Intense instruction of proper position, cues, and maneuvering. Instruction tailored to each rider's individual ability and goals.
Station II: Divided into groups based on ability/interests:
*Beginners: How to halter, lead, and tie safely. Grooming, tacking up, how to care for horse before and after each ride.
*Intermediates/Advanced: Importance of consistency in training, Parelli intro- joining up, the games, laying the foundation. Ground basics- how to train your horse to lead, lunge, "play".
Station I: Ride (2nd ride of the day is more relaxed than the instructional lesson earlier in the day. 2nd rides include mounted polo practice, games on horseback, bareback riding, vaulting, trail rides, obstacle courses, drill practice, gaming, etc.
Station II: Divided into groups based on ability/interests:
*Beginners: Video analysis of earlier lesson. Constructive advice from professional instructor on how to improve.
*Intermediates/Advanced: Video analysis of earlier lesson. Constructive advice from professional instructor on how to improve.
Recreational Activity II: Watching a movie on theatre screen, camp fire with songs/stories and s‘mores, The Web, Capture the Flag, Flashlight Tag, Cheer practice, plays/ skits, Charades, Horse Pictionary, Equivia, Karaoke, Dances, more.And before dark: Friesian Exhibition, Counselor polo match, Scavenger Hunts, taking ponies out for a walk, Horseless Jumping Show & Horseless Horse Race (campers are the horses!)
Group Un Mounted Options: Lessons in Horse Art, bandaging, polo wraps, horse first aid, asking your horse to collect and explanation of cues, rein pressure explained, preparing for a horse show, conditioning, TPR, Round Pen training, administering vaccinations, Veterinarian visit which provides opportunity for questions/answers and procedure demonstrations, jump course design and how to walk it before a show, trail etiquette, Farrier visit and demo, and more. This list is endless and activities are voted on by the group.