<font color="black"><font face="Papyrus"><h1>EXEC SESSION SCHEDULE<p> 7:30 am Rise and Shine! Feed Your Horse<br> 8am- Breakfast (Menu)<br> 9am- Ready to ride, Camp meeting<br> 9:30-Catch your horse/groom/tack up<br> 10:00-12pm - Morning Riding Lesson<br> 12- Untack/groom & wash down your horse/ Feed your horse a snack<br> 12:30 LUNCH (Menu) 1:00-2:00 Recreational Free Choice (No riding), includes swimming, archery, roping practice, polo practice, painting. 2:00- Optional Barn Class. At this time campers have the choice to stay in the pool, or join other campers for barn classes. Subjects vary, and groups are split by personal interests and riding levels. <br>Subjects include:<br> Polo Swings<br> Jump Course Walks<br> Liberty <br> Rider Aerobics<br> Horse Shows 101<br> 3:30 Catch your horse and prepare for second ride of the day<br> 4pm-6pm Riders sign up in advance for one of the following:<br> Traditional Riding Lesson in chosen discipline (working on equitation, collection, hands/seat)<br> Polo Match<br> Trail Ride<br> Games on Horseback (Sack Race, Egg and Spoon Race, Ride a Buck, Matched pairs, Drill Practice, Obstacle Courses, Bareback)<br> Western Gaming<br> Dressage Tests<br> 6pm- Untack/Groom/Wash Horse/Feed your horse dinner<br> 7pm: Eat Dinner (Menu)<br> 8-8:30 Free time (Shower, journal writes, relax your tired bodies!) 8:30-9:30- Evening Activity, usually voted on (Talent Show, movie, night swim, vaulting demo, horse psychology lesson, THE WEB) 9:30- Bed time, flash lights, talking, reading, writing ok until 10:15. 10:15 Lights Out </body> </html> <p> </body> </html>