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Now Hiring!
Head Trainer, Misti Chastain
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For Those Seeking Employment in 2006
What is expected of Chastain Mist employees?We need incredibly talented people who can exist comfortably in rustic surroundings, pretend they love mosquito bites, go out of their way to include even the most timid child at camp, enjoy being dirty, and maintain a smile along with a pleasant attitude regardless of the situation.
We are looking for people who
Are friendly, energetic and outgoing, even on 4 hours of sleep!
Can pass an FBI background check
Smile from their gut.
Have kid radar....people who know the difference from a child who is just being quiet and the child who is sad.
Can put the needs of campers ahead of their own.
Don't react defensively when a request is made of them.
Are willing to regularly dress up and act silly for the amusement of campers and their peers.
Follow directions and maintain a schedule without micromanagement.
Will actively participate in their camper's weekly skit
Will get on stage in front of 100+ people and lead a song, whether they can carry a tune or not.
Don't use or accept from others the words, I can't.
Have a genuine love for kids and the outdoors.
Are willing to try new things and not succeed the first time.
Are willing to make mistakes and admit when they are wrong.
Don't complain or gossip.
Can give up most of their privacy and personal time for several weeks.
Are ready to have the most amazing summer of their lives and to have a huge impact in the lives of the campers in their care!
Our staff must have current CPR and First Aid by camp time. There is a one week paid camp training session in May that is mandatory- no exceptions. All positions include cabin supervision.
Special Talents/Certification that will help you get the job: EMT's, Certified instructors, Experience in positive thinking and building self esteem in children, experience with sleep deprivation, the ability to see what needs to be done along with the self motivation to complete it without anyone directly telling you to, ability to improvise- on stage and in LIFE.
If interested, please email us. Send your mailing address, a phone number, a brief outline of your experience with 1)Children, 2)Horses, and 3)Camp, your education level, a resume if available, 2 letters of recommendation, and 3 references (2 non relatives), and the position you are interested in. HIRING:
Riding Instructors Counselors CITs (counselors in training) Camp Nurse Stable Hands Cook While enjoying this experience, you will strengthen your resume as well. You will gain experience working with diverse groups, working as part of a team, practicing being a leader and sharing that responsibility with others. Your safety awareness, knowledge of group dynamics, and child growth and development will only be strengthened by your experience as a camp counselor. Your interaction with campers and their parents will enhance your presentation skills, and affect the camps marketing directly in the number of your campers returning the following year.
Some counselors also gain college credit by arranging internships or independent study credit with their professors that utilize their camp experience.
Of course while you are at camp, you will make friends with other staff and enjoy the use of camp equipment within activity rules and permissions. These experiences often create a lifelong network of friends and support all around the world!