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Two Column CSS Layout
Welcome to the Starkii Times newspaper! This newspaper was specially created for the members of 'Kii's Guild'.

This newspaper includes various things that you can take part in and enjoy. Please feel free to look around and all the different pages and neomail me if you have any suggestions or ideas that would imporve our paper!
If you would like to send in an article, story, poem, a peice of art or a story board then please neomail them to me! I hope you enjoy looking around and taking part in the Starkii Times, have fun! :)

If your article, story, poem, peice of art or story board is printed in the Starkii Times then you will recive a prize, it may vary.

Notice - The articles, storys ect. will be updated each week, so if you enter a story one week you will have to enter it again the next week if you would like it to appear in the next issue.