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         Rev. Nathan Von Griffin ordained by the MOST HIGH GOD has produced sermons on the net.

  The "SPIRIT of PROPHECY" sermon talks about the many prophecies listed in the Holy Bible KJV that pre-specify the coming of a Messiah (Prophet) far in advance before he arrives on the face of the earth.


 And illustrates that the coming of Jesus Christ on the face of the earth is therefore not something that is arbitrary or random.

Another sermon asks the question "What is a Theocracy?"

Describing the original definition of how they came about; and how one would apply to the United States of America.



Another Sermon asks "Are you Anti-Christ?" . Although many would readily defend themselves to immediately say that they are not; The definition of Anti-Christ described in the Holy Bible and by the Messiah himself, places whole groups of people in this category by default.   Therefore rendering someone anti-Christ even if they object to being classified as such.  In this instance the "WORD OF GOD" has already judged, and this is something that is taken from our hands to decide.



Yet another Sermon will describe the need for the world at large to change its legislation to include the removal and absolute ban of "White Supremacist" organizations from off the face of the entire earth.  After having suffered so many years from these irrational anti-Christ hate groups; It is now critical to Abolish there political powers from among the civilized world.