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These are the Petz that I love and would never ever give up! Some of them are veryvery old, like Luckker & Pudds. Of course, none of my petzies are for adoption, and never will be.

Name: Lucky
Show Name: Racieb's The Prez
Nicks: The Man, Mr. Prez, Mr. Luckinstance, Hot, Pants, Fluffy Pants Luckinstance, Mr. Tux, Goofball Cat, Luckker, Luck, Floof
Breed: Maine Coon (painted w/ paintbrush to look like my real-life kitty)
Gender: Male
Info: Lucky is my oldest Catz. I luv him so much! He is adorable, and the President of Meow Corp.

Name: Little Cat (aka LC)
Show Name: Racieb's Baby Powder Kitten
Nicks: LC, Baby Cat, Kitten Floof, Floof Boy, Rodent, Evil Cat, Timmy Kitten (alter ego), Squish Kitten, Spotty Stripe Kitten, Karate Toe
Breed: Little Cat (I hexed the breed to look like my real kitty!)
Gender: Male
Info: LC is Lucky's best friend. Although he sort of looks like a cat, were not really sure what he is... *seriously, he once escaped a locked cat carrier, chewed his own tail to shreds (it healed perfectly), enjoys methodically shredding toy fuzzy mice, and was once caught playing with a large knife* He is the best Baby Kitten Boy ever because he is cute and squishy and knaws on fingers (in a good way, of course. It is called "Aa-rrah" 'cause that's the sound it makes when he purrs and chews on your fingers at the same time.) LC fears nothing... except, of course, my red Christmas Snowman socks that I sometimes wear. These he must someday kill.

Name: Caperz
Show Name: Racieb's Hyper Hijinks
Nicks: CAYPAZ, Cape, Capez, Purrz, K-PAX
Breed: Mixed (making a selective breed Tortiseshell from him)
Gender: Male
Info: I've only gotten Caperz pretty recently, but he is sooo cool, I had to keep him. I love his coloration, and though he acts like a tough guy around other Petz, he loves me! He's Lucky's grandson.

Name: Muddy Paws
Show Name: Racieb's Puss in Bootz
Nicks: Muddy, Bootz Cat, Sockiez
Breed: Maine Coon / B+W Shorthair (Lucky's son)
Gender: Male
Info: His brown paws were a mutation, since both of his parents were 1st gen and had white paws. He is so sweet!

Name: The Muffin Man
Show Name: Racieb's Do You Know The Muffin Man?
Nicks: Muffin Man, Mufferz
Breed: Alley Cat / B+W Shorthair
Gender: Male
Info: He is evil and I love him :) He is an adoreable cat! I really love the white blaze on his face.

Name: Tezi
Show Name: Racieb's Second Chance for Derango
Nicks: The Webmaster, Tez, Derango
Breed: Tabby / Calico
Gender: Female
Info: Tezi is one of my favorite Catz. She is *sooo* gorgeous! I got her from the old Petz Central Adoption Center... twice. I was searching the Center for Catz, and I saw her. I was awestruck, I didn't know there could be white tabbiez! I adopted her, and started getting more tabbiez (I kind of collected them). One day, I saw a mom cat named Derango that looked just like Tez, with the description "STUPID STUPID STUPID!" I felt sorry for her and I got her, only to find out that her parents were the same as Tezi's... she was the same cat! I also found out that her kitten's father was another cat I had adopted, a gray tabby named Clove. I will love Tezi forever, and she is the official webmaster of this site.

Name: Charly
Show Name: Racieb/SL The Cat Came Back
Nicks: *none yet* I have to get to know him better :)
Breed: Mixed w/ lots of Calico
Gender: Male
Info: When I saw this kitten at Strawberry Litters (see my links page), I just had to adopt him! He is so beautiful, with his blue eyes and white tabby fur. He will be Tezi's mate, I think their kittens will be very beautiful!

Name: Grump
Show Name: Racieb's Fluffy Fury
Nicks: *none*
Breed: Alley Cat / Chinchilla Persian
Gender: Male
Info: Grump is another adorable cat that I adopted from the old Petz Central Adoption Center. He looks like an angry Persian! He's really a sweetheart, though.

Name: Andrew
Show Name: Racieb's The Infamous Andrew
Nicks: Andy
Breed: Tabby / Siamese
Gender: Male
Info: He was one of the tabbiez I bred "back in the day". I named him after PF.Magic's Andrew (hexers will know who I'm talking about ;) He is a really cool looking catz, and I'm going to enter him in shows soon.

Name: Stea
Show Name: Racieb/Gracie's Lied Through There
Nicks: *none yet* I have to get to know her better :)
Breed: Maine Coon / Calico (a LOT of Maine Coon)
Gender: Female
Info: She is a beautiful kitten that I recently adopted from Last Traces (see my links). I'm going to enter her in lots of shows in the future! Her mate is Robert. Since they are both so beautiful and unique, I wanted to breed them. Her kitten in the 3rd picture is Mr. Kitten :) He looks a lot like his dad, but with a poofy tail and brown eyes.

Name: Robert
Show Name: Racieb/SL I Found It!
Nicks: Bob (of course!)
Breed: Very Mixed
Gender: Male
Info: I hunted all over Strawberry Litters, looking for the fish treat... I need more prizes for my awards page *grin* and I found Robert, too! He is sooo cute, and he is Stea's mate.

Name: Madison
Show Name: Racieb/SL Cute Little Teethies
Nicks: *none yet* I have to get to know him better :)
Breed: Very Mixed
Gender: Male
Info: Another super-cute kitten from Strawberry Litters! You guys need to go over there and adopt the cute kittiez and puppiez! The rest of Madison's litter is availible for adoption, too! I fell in love with Madison the moment I saw him. I love his eyes, and his little Alley Cat teethz! He is a really sweet kitten, and he isn't even mean like most other Alley Catz are.

Name: Puddles
Show Name: Racieb's Puppy Puddles
Nicks: Pudds
Breed: Mutt (painted w/ paintbrush)
Gender: Male
Info: Oh my! A Dogz! Yes, Puddles is my reason for getting Dogz 3. I loved him so much, I wanted him to experience new thingz (like raising a family.) He is a great Dogz, and loves posing for the camera. I may enter him in shows, but I'm not really sure. He's great at boomerang and frisbee catch, and he loves puppiez and kittenz.

Name: Rocky
Show Name: Racieb's The Ballad of Rocky Raccoon
Nicks: Fuzz Coon
Breed: Raccoon (Raccoons are my fave animals, so I hexed them)
Gender: Male
Info: Well... what to say... um, he's not really a cat, though technically he is... ha... I really love him a lot. He's cute and fuzzy, not to mention a real jokester. I love his trilling raccoon chatter! He is very cute in little hats and stuff *grin* I am going to breed him to his girlfriend (Rackketty Ann) and put some of the kitz up for adoption here. They will certainly be very cute!

Name: Opus & Posie
Show Name: *none*
Nicks: *none*
Breed: Opossum (What? Opossumz are cute!)
Gender: Male & Female
Info: I simply could not list these two as seperate Petz! Even though Opossumz are kind of mean, and very territorial, these two were completely devoted to each other from the moment they came out of that Adoption Center door. The only way you can tell them apart is the white streak on Posie's face. Soon, I will put up their cute litter of baby Opossumz for adoption!

Name: Clyde
Show Name: Racieb's Clydesdale v2.0
Nicks: *none*
Breed: Clydesdale (2)
Gender: Male
Info: Yes, the Clydes have returned! Clyde has the distintion of being the first "new" Clydesdale adopted. He is only a baby right now, but when he grows up I will breed purebred Clydesdalez for adoption.

Name: Misty
Show Name: Racieb's Silver Eyes
Nicks: *none*
Breed: Clydesdale (2)
Gender: Female
Info: Misty is Clyde's mate, and with her gray eyes and his brown eyes, the results are sure to be spectacular. Later, I may add their foalz and filliez to the Dogz Adoption pages.

Name: Donkey
Show Name: *none*
Nicks: *none*
Breed: Clydesdale (1) / Pegasus
Gender: Male
Info: I crossed one of my original Clydesdalez with Carolyn Horn's Pegasus, and I ended up with Donkey... I was expecting maybe a Clyde with wings! Actually, he barks too, so maybe he's not really a donkey. Anyway, something happened with his ears, so that they look like jowls or something. Isn't he cute?!