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[A Secular Ministry]
[Philo Concepts] [Philosophy Terms] This month's featured work: Lynn Winters' "OUR JUDAIC-CHRISTIAN HERITAGE" Also check out this debate article: [pdf file] Logic: Power tool of truth The Meaning of Life, according to Python Philosophy 101 Existentialism, a "42" point of view Philosophy, Humor, and Beer Philosophical thoughts about art/form/reality Blurble, gubble, and other gubbish Some of the Writings of Jan Krishnamurti Short Essays of a Philosophical nature Info about the various Preston Societies links

(mostly agnosticism and atheism threads) Logic, Truth, and Argument My Teacher was a witch

Alternate Lifestyles, New Age, Sexuality, Psychology, etc

What Chief Seattle actually said The Un-Filtered Life The role of the seer HAL, Cognitivie Science, and evolution

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