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               {Ritual, Shamanism}

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Pure Performance

(Theory & Background) Note: The topics covered here are of particular interest and are NOT meant to be comprehensive. Next: Ritual & Shamanism. {
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Ritual and Shamanism

In this section: {
Topics} {UTD Humanaties 7301} Next: Ritual/Shamanism Topics. {Back to the TOP of this page}

Ritual/Shamanism -- Topics

Note: The topics covered here are of particular interest and are NOT meant to be comprehensive. [
Creation of Self via Ritual] [Survival Strategies via Ritual] [Shaman as Medicine Man] [Shaman as Seer] [Shaman as Intercessor] [Shaman as Interpreter of Symbols] Next: Ritual/Shamanism: UTD Course Description for Professor Riccio's class. {Back to the TOP of this page}

HUAS 7301

UTD home page link] Mirrored info: For more info, pls contact: Thomas Riccio at UT-DALLAS.EDU. The course will examine the form and function of ritual and shamanism from a cultural, social, historical, and performance perspective. The first part of the course will examine ritual as a vector of human transition. Birth, puberty, marriage, and death are, in all cultures, marked by ceremonies, which may differ in detail but are universal in function. Comparative and structural examination of ritual will identify origins, process and evolution of ritual and its roles in defining and maintaining social and cultural order. The second part of the course will build on the first by examining the role of the shaman and its various cultural manifestations as magician, medicine man, healer, miracle-doer, psychopomp, priest, mystic, and poet. The course will explored and analyze the ideology of shamanism, its techniques, symbolisms, and mythologies. Using specific examples from Siberia, Africa, Alaska, China, and Korea, the course will identify and explore the common attributes of ritual and shamanism and how various expressions have been shaped by place, need, and worldview. REQUIRED TEXTS: Ritual -- Maldoma Patrice Somé Rites of Passage -- Arnold Van Gennep Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy -- Mircea Eliade Additional Material on library/electronic reserve. RECOMMENDED TEXTS: Shamans Through Time, 500 Years on the path to knowledge, Narby and Huxley, editors The Ritual Process, Victor Turner Ancient Land: Sacred Whale, the Inuit Hunt and its Rituals, Tom Lowenstein Ritual and Religion in the Making of Humanity, Roy A. Rappaport Next: ???. {Back to the TOP of this page}
