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The 2001/Millenium Peace Project

"All that needs to be done for evil to win, is for the good to remain silent" -- not an exact quote "In all its poverty, the human race has but one effective weapons: Laughter. Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand". -- Mark Twain. On this page: {The KKK and its ministry of Hate} and of course... More of the same: According to a convservative site: Democrats say: "Kill all republicans" [america's glory] (apparently belongs to Republicans) -- Posted by "Dan. I am a Soldier of Truth" (and how far away is THAT from being a Jihad?) Student arrested: [Purdue student] -- apparently he's so stupd as to know that if you say something like that you will be imprisoned. Sheesh, get with the program people!! Do you really think that the Russians lost??? As the cartoon possum (by Walt Kelly) sed: "We have met the enemy and he is us". And on the flip side: [Kill all democrats] It all goes back to the Bible don't you think? "An eye for an eye, leaves the entire world blind" -- Ghandi. A Chistian of mine used to say the "bibble" every now and then, you can't believe the death looks she got from her fellow Xtians -- you'd think she was proposing dansing with the devil!! And of course, when the pastiche becomes the pastiche, of the pastiche of the ... [simpsons stuff] (Alfred Jarry would love this!!)

The KKK and its ministry of Hate

Web info on the KLAN Who's doing what to fight them: Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Centre