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Current Projects
27th Jan 2004

Well, I've finally got around to creating and uploading my site. I wanted it to look a lot better  but due to Angelfire's advert banners, I'm forced to have links on my site, losing the professional look I was hoping for. At least the hosting's free, and they are generous with size so I shouldn't complain.

28th Jan 2004

It started to snow last night, and this morning I woke up to find the ground thick with snow. This inspired me to get working on Nightmare Gothic, and I decided to add a Christmas level. This level will be full of evil snowmen, Santas, elves, and loads of other Christmas stuff.

29th Jan 2004

The snow started to melt so I lost the spurt of inspiration I gained yesterday.There's just a layer of ice and sludge on the ground.I did however manage to scribble down a few more concepts for characters. I started to model another character because I was bored.I doubt that it'll appear in the finished game, but I might include it as an NPC for the main character to interact with.Screens will be up when it's done.

30th Jan 2004

Been playing around with Pickles scripted player example. I plan to have the main character as a scripted pawn, which will enable MUCH more flexability in the movements and such of the player.

1st Feb 2004

I'm currently taking some time out from Nightmare Gothic to work on 'Revenge of The Bunnies', an upcoming FPS game currently under development. I finished a few models earlier today, and will start work on some weapons in the morning. You can check out the website here...