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Yes thats have reached an unofficial tribute to god of cats...Mr Tinkles.....the evil white persian from the brilliant (thanks to his appearance)movie Cats And Dogs!!! Here you will find a wealth of priceless information about not only Mr Tinkles, but also those whose lives have been altered due to his evil, and even some who have made a living due to his success. Dont get me wrong.......this is completely unofficial , but since I (along with a certain friend who will remain nameless) grew up alongside the fiendish Tinkles, I feel as though no one else is better qualified to discuss in detail the subject of Tinklemania!!!! In will note a more adult approach to Tinkles , but for now lie back, enjoy and relive the childish pure evil joy of Mr Tinkles Forever!!!!!.........

Oh, and by the way, do you have a story about how Mr Tinkles has altered your life in some way?...Why not share the joy with the thousands of other humans who visit this site in their drones each and every day??

Simply email your stories to me, the webmaster, and if they are any good, i will forward them to mr tinkles himself, and he may even reply to your simple needs!

MR TINKLES ...."EMAIL ME NOW HUMAN GUARDS!....." I will be waiting. Do not dissapoint me ."

COMING SOON..........

have you ever noticed how you never see mr tinkles and michael myers in the same room?.......well, and indepth forensic report by a well known scientific giant will soon put our fears to the laboratory test!!... I SHALL KEEP YOU POSTED!!!!!

Visit My Message Board

Indepth interviews with some of Mr Tinkles most well-known lookalikes...
Mr Tinkles....Our favourite sayings!!!
Stills from films in which our hero has apperared!
Tinkle In Love?
The Tinkles Message Board!