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April 3, 2004
"Youth of a Nation" by P.O.D.
One request completed and up :3 from Christina! Hope she likes it!
Took another request, a 'special' request for mah luv, Renee >3 of General Wolfe. Since he's a historical figure he has his own category and is not really an official.. because I want an excuse to draw him :3 <3

April 3, 2004
"Going Down in Flames" by 3 Doors Down
Long time no update, eh? Well if you haven't realized it, I really did just revive this with the hopes that I'd make it onto Ghost's staff, but I didn't :3 No biggy! I just didn't keep up with it because I didn't see a point, what with sphynxes backing up. However, I'm in the mood to draw two quick (because kitties are so simple) requests, hence I'm taking two. I just wonder how long it will be before someone notices open lines >D
Please NO officials in this batch.

November 16, 2003
Hellsing opening song
I've been lazy, but I finally posted my half of my kitty trade with Rhodan as well as a new layout :3 Simple, but good for Facade; it keeps the Jekyll and Hyde theme, but with a kitty touch :D I don't plan on opening lines for a while.. I'm trying to busy myself with the SAC..

October 4, 2003
Dead Man's Party - Oingo Boingo
Eeep, added me as a kitty and an Ashley kitty for Liliy.. Going kitty-crazy with random stuff for friends in order to get a nice application up for Ghostie ^_^ Wish me luck!

September 28, 2003
Nightmare on Elm Street Theme
I posted a new kitty trade with Yoruhau. Working on Rhodan's, but with 8 characters it still may take a bit yet. I'm also working on a few originals to finish a.s.a.p. as Ghost will be looking for staff applications shortly *_* *IF* (which is pretty doubtful) that I get accepted, a new, more (Jekyll and Hyde) kitty-ish layout is due, and the lines will be opened wide ^_^ But, let's not get our hopes up..

September 2, 2003
How Can I Live- Ill Nino
Renee's request is complete. The gallery section was also redone so that way each of the sections have their own page. Now onto Rhodan's trade I was recently asked for..

July 22, 2003
Nobody Lives Without Love- Eddi Reader
Added a kitty art trade with Pika, as well as a group I did on my own accord a bit ago. Also please note the God-kitties on the main page..I *just* recieved from the fantastic Liliy *_* She is most certailny worshipped here, and her kitties were just too purr-fect for me to no put them on Facade. They are now the guardians of me updates :3 *snuggles them*

July 22, 2003
Your Work and Nothing More- Jekyll & Hyde the Musical
Every page I want up, is up! :3 happy hunting.. the links are all song titles from Jekyll and Hyde the musical so it may be a slight maze, but this site is small so don't worry yourself! Lines will be open sometime shortly..

July 21, 2003
Confrontation- Jekyll & Hyde the Musical
Well the site was revamped with a new layout, all of the old kitties removed, and new ones up :3 I plan to keep this site going at times for something different and simpler than sphynxes. I also hope to build a portfolio I can use in order to apply for Ghost's staff one day :3 Wish Facade luck!