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Request a Kitty

In order to request a kitty you must follow the rules below. Any failure to abide by these rules will result in your request being terminated. I'm sorry, but this his how things have to work in order for me to operate fairly..

:: Only send a request if the Opening Page says the lines are Open. This also applies to Kitty Art Trades. Closed does in fact mean closed.
:: Original requests are accepted only, unless they are an Art Trade.
:: Groups only up to two (2) characters unless they are part of an Art Trade (and that is not all of the time, so please ask).
:: No hentai. Yaoi and Yuri are most certainly accepted, as is gore and anything that can fit a PG-13 rating and below. Vulgur/suggestive poses are only accepted if it is a part of the character's true personality and if they are not too profane.
:: Fill out all of the details, even if an image URL is sent. Details might not be clearly visible in an image. If you wish to leave a feline trait open, such as fur color, then simply state you want it to be chosen for you.
:: If you do not get a response within a week your request was not accepted. Try again next time the lines are open, thanks :3.
:: Be curtious and respond to any e-mails you receive concerning your Kitty Request. Otherwise it will be assumed you no longer want your request and your spot will be given up to the next requestor.
:: Please type "The World Has Gone Insane" somewhere on the form as proof that you read the rules.
:: Send one request at a time. There is an unlimited amount of requests available, so please don't hog all of the request spots at once. If you are already waiting for a kitty OR if you are waiting for a sphynx from the S.A.C., do not ask for another request until it is complete.
:: This site holds an Artistic Liscence. This means that Kitties can be made from real-life photos, images (your own or requested), and even just descriptions, so long as they are detailed.
:: Images are only accepted if you can provide a link/url to them. Images are mandatory ONLY if you request an official character in a trade, but are otherwise not required, merely appreciated.
:: Full backgrounds are only done for trades. Special text (i.e. the character's name) can be requested for all images.
:: Requestors with manners are greatly, greatly appreciated and are smiled upon.
*-- If you wish to do an art trade, e-mail first with the e-mail title "Facade Kitty Trade" and specify what kind of kitty(ies) you would like (if you would like to break a rule, such as more than 2 kitties, please ask). If you get a response then fill out the form below like normal.

By requesting you are agreeing to the following:

:: The Character design is yours unless otherwise stated. If you are using a friend's design you must submit their e-mail address to verify you are allowed to use their character. Should it be found out the character you accepted was a stolen design, a rip without originality, or an official and you lied, you will be perminantly banned from this site and your name will be mentioned in degrading terms to other request artists. All art theft is reported to W.A.W. and will be dealt with.
:: You will not use the image you receive for any purpose other than adoption. If you wish to use it as banner, in a background, etc. you must first get permission. The character design may be yours, but the image is not.
:: That the image you requested (unless otherwise specified) may be hosted on this site.

Unleash the beast...

Your Name/Alias::

Your E-mail Address::

Character Name(s)::

Character Gender(s)::

Hair (style; length; color; etc.)::

Eyes (color;size;style)::

Feline Details (fur color; markings; tail type)::

Character Details (clothing; jewelry; special traits; etc.)::

Character Personality::

Additional Information (pose suggestions; text; comments; etc)::

Image URL(s):: Stunning, fast, FREE!    
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