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My Reference!

I find it quite unlikely that anyone knows what a serval is, so I set up this page to describe me for the purpose of art trades. As far as servals go, I'm pretty ordinary looking so I suppose I'll give a small lesson on servals. (Warning: boring lecture ahead, do not read next paragraph unless you're crazy)

Servals are part of the small cat family. To a non-cat expert, they would best be described as a small cheetah. They have a slender build with long legs for seeing over tall grasses. They have small heads with very large, somewhat rounded ears and a short, but not bobbed tail. Their closest relatives are lynxes and bobcats. They are a very yellowy-brown in colour with white around the bottom of their muzzle and underbelly. Their ears are black with a white stripe. For their coat pattern, they have large black spots that tend to form oval shaped stripes especially around where the neck starts. They have smaller spots further down on their legs, close to their paws and stripes on their tail.

Soooo, seeing as that was really boring, why don't you just refer to the running me above, or you can look at the pictures others have done for me. Click here

My markings? Nothing too far out of the ordinary. If you look closely at the running me, you'll notice I have a small stripe on my neck. I also have a black tipped tail. My eyes are brown. I don't really have any accessories, But if you feel like giving me wraps I like them :) If you're looking for a background, I like lightning (nooooooo, really?!? lol)

If you're drawing me anthro style or if you feel like giving me hair for whatever reason, I have light brown hair with natural blonde highlights. It goes just over half way down my back. I either wear it down or ponytailed.