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Last Update: May 30, 2009
Updated: TOTALLY FORGOT I HAD THIS SITE! Hahaha... Main page-removed the broken WebRing que, Links, and Banners/Link Me. Removed email address on the Contact page.

Last Update: August 21, 2004
Updated: MiniPoll end with only 20 votes, 10 deciding to keep this site on the web

Last Update: March 15, 2004
Updated: Put up the mini-poll for this site's future

Last Update: July 12, 2003
Updated: Added "Banners/Link me"

Last Update: March 11, 2003
Updated: took down blurry dolls in "My Dolls" page and left only those with sayings, added a link in "Links"

Last Update: July 26, 2002
Updated: added "My Dolls" page with 28 dolls

Last Update: June 19, 2002
Updated: added 8 to sayings, took some dolls off mainpage, submitted to a search engine, added meta tags

Last Update: May 28, 2002
Updated: fixed links, added 1 to wonderkin sayings

Last Update: April 30, 2002
Updated: fixed webring navigation bar code

Last Update: March 16, 2002
Updated: added a link to the link page

Last Update: March 12, 2002
Updated: added a link to the link page

Last Update: Jan 14, 2002
Updated: took out a right-click lock from the main page

Last Update: Jan 2, 2002
Updated: finished putting the whole site back up

Originally Started Jan 25, 2001