That's My Stick!
Fearless Shadow challenges a BIG dog! In her own reality, she thinks she's anybody's equal and that cats play with sticks... /B
Original 9.4" x 6.4" reproduced to 9.4" x 6.4" |
Original |
Enhanced |
Reproduction |
Note Card |
Magnet |
9.4" x 6.4" |
Signed&Limited to 25 |
9.4" x 6.4" |
4.25"x5.5" |
2"x3" Approx. |
Matted 10"x13" |
Matted 10"x13" |
Matted 10"x 13" |
With Envelope |
Size Varies |
$295.00 |
$90.00 |
$30.00 |
$3.50 |
$2.50 |