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My Photo page

Welcome to my Photo pages! Almost all the work on these pages are my own artwork unless otherwise specified. Also, a lot of the work shown here have yours truely as both the artist and the model! If it's NOT me in the picture I'll be sure to tell you who it is. Ok, since I can't find a good way to do this here's how it'll work: I'm gonna put each Photo project or group on seperate pages, with a link to the next page at the bottom of the list. Hope this works alright heh heh. Thanks for visiting!

My family and such

My stinky brothers, Nick (Younger on the left with the goofy expression heh heh) and Nate (Older and on the right). They are fun
Our pet puppy dog Jessie! We had to have her put to sleep, but she's still with us in spirit.
My Senior Picture, not taken by me but still funny...and REALLY 6 years heh heh
More Photos!
