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**It's Up To You**

One song can spark a moment,

One flower can wake the dream.

One tree can start a forest,

One bird can herald spring.

One smile begins a friendship,

One handclasp lifts a soul.

One star can guide a ship at sea,

One word can frame the goal.

One vote can change a nation,

One sunbeam lights a room,

One candle wipes out darkness

One laugh will conquer gloom.

One step must start each journey,

One word must start each prayer.

One hope will raise our spirits,

One touch can show you care.

One voice can speak with wisdom,

One heart can know what's true,

One life can make the difference,

You see, it's up to YOU!

Be Encouraged....Lovable

Welcome. This Page is designed to
Inspire and Encourage
as I Inspire and Encourage myself.
I sincerely hope that you will be
through God's Mercy and Grace.

" Work It Out This Lifetime "


Have you ever been just sitting
there and all of a sudden you feel
like doing something
nice for someone you care for.
THAT'S GOD . . .
He talks to you through
the Holy Spirit.
Have you ever been down and out
and nobody seems to be around for
you to talk to. .
THAT'S GOD . . .
He wants you to talk to Him.
Have you ever been thinking
about somebody that you haven't
seen in a long time and then
next thing you know you
see them or receive
a phone call from them. . .
there is no such
thing as coincidence.
Have you ever received something
wonderful that you didn't even
ask for, like money in
the mail a debt that had
mysteriously been cleared, or
a coupon to a department store
where you had just seen something you
wanted, but couldn't afford. . .
He knows the desires of your heart.
Have you ever been in a
situation and you had no clue how it is going
to get better, but now
you look back on it. .
THAT'S GOD . . .
He passes us through
tribulation to see a brighter day.
Do You Think You're Reading
In all that we do, we should
totally give Him thanks and
our blessings will
continue to multiply.
Don't tell God how big
your storm is.
Tell the storm how
BIG your GOD is!


This is a story about four
There was an important job to be
done and EVERYBODY was sure that
SOMEBODY would do it.
ANYBODY could have done it,
but NOBODY did it.
SOMEBODY got angry about that,
because it was EVERYBODY'S job.
could do it, but NOBODY
realized that EVERYBODY
wouldn't do it.
It ended up that EVERYBODY
did what ANYBODY could have done.
to witness to the lost,
then NOBODY will know about
the Savior who can save ANYBODY.
Did SOMEBODY witness today?


When you have trusted God and
walked His way,
When you have felt His
hand lead you day by day,
But your steps now take you another way,
When you have made your
plan and they have gone away,
When you have tried your best
and there is no more try,
When you have failed yourself
and you do not know why,
When you have told your
friend what you plan to do,
When you have trusted them
and they did not come through,
and now your grandchildren
have come along,
When you have prayed to God
so you will know His will,
When you have prayed and
prayed and you still do not know,
When you want to stop cause
you have had your fill,
When you think you are
finished and want to quit,
When you have bottomed out
in life's deepest pit,
When you have tried and
tried to get out of it,
When the year has been
long and successes few,
When December comes and
you are feeling blue,
God gives a January
just for you,
=20 Starting Over means "Victories Won"
Starting over means "A Race Well Run"
Starting Over means "God's Will is Done"
Do Not Just Sit There...


God, what do you mean to be still
and know you are God?
My child, what I mean is:
Though the earth be removed,
Though the waters thereof roar and
be troubled,
Though the mountains shake with
Though the wind blow,
Though the storm rage;
Though your bills are due,
Though they give you a hard time
on your job,
Though your husband won't act right,
Though your wife won't act right,
Though your children are disobedient,
Though there's sickness in your body,
Though your enemies get on your NERVES;
Stop your WORRIES!
Stop your DOUBTING!
Stop your FROWNING!
Cease your fears, and dry up those tears!
For I'm right there to comfort you,
I'm right there to guide you,
I'm right there to hold you up,
I'm right there to heal you,
I'm right there to deliver you.
So cast your cares upon me for I
careth for you.
My child this is what I mean by
being still and knowing I AM GOD.
Written by the I AM

" Do You Have a Moment? "

You feel stressed.
You know that you
need to spend some time with the Lord.
Finally, you get a break.
You just get settled down and open your Bible,
then you hear,
"Mom can I .........?"
Ok, you get that taken care of,
and back to your Bible,
then you hear cereal spilled all
over the floor by the child who can't
clean up their own mess. You jump up to
clean it before it gets crushed all
over the floor. You tell the kids
to please leave you alone for just
a few minutes. Well, a few minutes to
you is an eternity to them. You start
to read again, and you hear
the famous words, "Wipe me!" :-)
By this time, you are totally frustrated.
You have decided that you aren't going
to get your time with the Lord.
Your spirit cries out, "Lord,
I just don't have an hour of time to
spend with you anymore like I used to,
and I really miss your presence,
and the times where we talk."
Suddenly, you hear the Master's voice,
and He gently says, "No,
you don't have the time to spend
an hour, but you do have just a moment.
Want to talk?" As you go about your
daily chores and tasks, remember
when you are cleaning the toilet,
or changing a diaper, or taking out
the trash, you do have a moment while
doing those tasks. Use it to talk
to the Lord. Train your mind to fix
your thoughts on Him.
Heb. 5:14 says that solid food
is for the mature, who by constant
use have trained themselves to
distinguish good from evil.
Learn to listen and anticipate
God's voice, reminding you that
you do have a moment to spend with
Him throughout the day. As you fix
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches,
thank the Lord that He is your
bread of life, and that He daily gives
you living bread. As you bake cookies,
thank Him that as He works His purpose
in your life, your disposition will
be sweet to behold.
Col. 3:1-2
"If then you have been raised with
Christ to a new life, aim at and
seek the rich, eternal treasures
that are above, where Christ is
seated at the right hand of God.
And set your minds keep them set
on what is above, not on the things
that are on the earth. (Amp. Bible)
To help you keep your mind set on things
above, place scripture cards around
the house, in strategic locations
(by the rocker where you nurse the baby,
on the bathroom mirror, at the
kitchen sink, on the dash in your car, etc.)
As you focus on these scriptures,
and remember to talk to the Lord during
those "moments" during the day,
you will find that you are able to
cultivate a very close relationship
with Him. You will feel Him there
with you, helping you, refreshing you.
The scriptures will get deep into your
spirit as you meditate on them
throughout the day. Before you know it,
you will have a song in your heart
and joy on your face.
Titus 2:4-5 in the Full Life Study Bible says
that God has a distinct purpose for
the woman in relation to family,
home, and motherhhood. His desire for
a wife and mother is that her attention
and devotion be focused on her family.
The home, husband, and children must be
the center of a Christian mother's world;
this is her divinely appointed way
of honoring the Word of God.
(In other words, we have a really big
job to do, and we need His help!)
We all tend to let ourselves run out
of "spiritual gas" at times.
If a car runs out of gas, it takes longer
to fix it than it would have if we would
have just taken the time to pull in
the gas station. It is the same with
our spiritual lives.
I think I hear
the Father now, saying, "You have a moment."

" Witty Words of Wisdom"
Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat them.
Always read stuff that will make you look
good if you die in the middle of it.
Accept that some days you're the pigeon,
and some days you're the statue.
Cooking lesson #1:
don't fry bacon in the nude. Drive carefully.
It's not only cars that can
be recalled by their maker. If you eat a live
toad in the morning, you can just
about be guaranteed nothing
worse will happen to you for the rest of the day.
If you can't be kind, at least have
the decency to be vague. If you can't beat
your computer at chess, try kickboxing.
If you think nobody cares if you're alive, try missing
a couple of car payments. Never buy a car you can't push.
Never eat yellow snow. Never pet a burning dog.
Never put both feet in your mouth
at the same time,because then you don't have
a leg to stand on. Never try to teach a pig to sing.
It wastes your time and annoys the pig.
When everything's coming your way, you're
in the wrong lane. You are what you eat.
So stay away from the jerk chicken. Be nice to the nerds
and geeks in high school, you'll be working for
them in the future. Nobody cares if
you can't dance well. Just get up and dance.

" New Years Diet"
Losing weight is the number
New Year's Resolution. The problem is, hardly anything works.
Well, I found this one diet that will
absolutely shed the pounds. Read it and see
if you don't agree.
Guaranteed Results!!!
People are always on the lookout
for a new diet. The trouble
with most diets is that you
don't get enough to eat
(the starvation diet), you don't
get enough variation (the liquid diet)
or you go broke (the all-meat diet).
Consequently, people tend to
cheat on their diets,
or quit after 3 days.
Well, now there's the
New Miracle Diet.
Now the formula is available
to all in this new diet.
You may want to consult your
doctor before embarking on this diet,
otherwise, you may be seeing him afterwards.
Good Luck !!!
Breakfast: One scrambled egg,
one piece of toast with grape jelly.
Eat 2 bites of egg,
using your fingers;
dump the rest on the floor.
Take 1 bite of toast,
then smear the jelly over
your face and clothes.
Four crayons (any color),
a handful of potato chips,
and a glass of milk
(3 sips only, then spill the rest).
A dry stick, two pennies
and a nickel, 4 sips of flat Sprite.
Bedtime snack:
Throw a piece of toast on
the kitchen floor.
Pick up stale toast
from kitchen floor and eat it.
Drink half bottle of vanilla
extract or one vial of vegetable dye.
Half tube of "Pulsating Pink"
lipstick and a handful of Purina
Dog Chow (any flavor).
One ice cube, if desired.
Afternoon snack:
Lick an all-day sucker
until sticky, takeoutside,
drop in dirt. Retrieve and continue
slurping until it is clean again.
Then bring inside and drop on rug.
A rock or an uncooked bean,
which should be thrust up your
left nostril. Pour Grape Kool-Aid
over mashed potatoes; eat with spoon.
Two pancakes with plenty
of syrup, eat one with fingers,
rub in hair. Glass of milk;
drink half, stuff other pancake in glass.
After breakfast, pick up yesterdays
sucker from rug, lick off fuzz, put
it on the cushion of best chair.
Three matches, peanut butter
and jelly sandwich. Spit several
bites onto the floor. Pour glass
of milk on table and slurp up.
Dish of ice cream,
handful of potato chips, some red punch.
Try to laugh some punch through
your nose, if possible.
A quarter tube of toothpaste (any flavor),
bit of soap, an olive.
Pour a glass of milk over
bowl of cornflakes,
add half a cup of sugar.
Once cereal is soggy,
drink milk and feed cereal to dog.
Eat bread crumbs off
kitchen floor and dining room carpet.
Find that sucker and finish eating it.
A glass of spaghetti
and chocolate milk. Leave meatball on plate.
Stick of mascara for dessert.

" That One Word "

I have witnessed many weddings.
The dresses, tuxedos,
the church decorations,
and the food are what most focus on.
I was enamored by the word,
...that one word.
The one word answer to the
question," you take this
woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
I expected the typical,
"I do." Those two words made
both famous and infamous.
I was not expecting this answer.
A voice loud and clear rang
out with one word. It reverberated
from the ceiling as this one word,
filled with resolve,carried
this answer throughout the church.
It was a moment I will never forget.
Far too often,
"we do" but not absolutely.
Our commitment is filled with
ifs, ands, and buts.
We do as long as it's convenient.
We do as long as it benefits us.
We do as long as it's not painful.
We do as long as they remain
beautiful or handsome.
We do as long as they keep their figure.
We do as long as the bills are paid.
We do as long they stay healthy.
We do as long as no one more
exciting looks our way.
We do as long as it suits us.
What things or people in life
are we truly committed to?
To whom have we really said
and meant, "Absolutely."
Is this the way a man and a woman
should enter into marriage?
Should they feel that level
of commitment?
Should they really believe
that the only way they would
ever separate is by death?
Did Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
actually believe that?

" To Believe "

To believe is to know that
every day is a new beginning.
It is to trust that miracles happen,
and dreams really do come true.
To believe is to see angels
dancing among the clouds
To know the wonder of a stardust
sky and the wisdom of the man
in the moon.
To believe is to know the
value of a nurturing heart,
The innocence of a child's eyes
and the beauty of an aging hand,
for it is through their teachings
we learn to love.
To believe is to know we are
not alone, That life is a
gift and this is our time
to cherish it.
To believe is to find the
strength and courage that
lies within us. When it is
time to pick up the pieces
and begin again.
To believe is to know that
wonderful surprises are just
waiting to happen, And all
our hopes and dreams are within reach.
If only we believe ;- )

" Why The Righteous Suffer "

One explains with the
following parable,
why righteous people may
at times experience suffering
and the wicked may prosper:

A father who wishes to teach
his child to walk, in the beginning
will walk together with the child and
hold his hand. Then he will move away
from the child, leaving the child on his own.
The child will then take a step toward
his father and the father will retreat
a bit further so that the child will
take a few more steps on his own.
The father will repeat this process in
order to get the child to walk greater
and greater distances. To the child it
may seem that the father is moving away
and ignoring him, yet the father does this
out of love and care for he knows that the
child's growth and development depends on
this. The same is with the righteous people.
At times it may seem that God is ignoring
them, yet, in truth as they come closer
to God, He will move away so that the
righteous person will continuously
move closer to Him. Through this process,
the righteous person ascends higher and
higher spiritually. This is what the Bible
means with, "just as a man reproaches his
son so the Lord your God chastises you."
Deu. 5:8
A person will seldom reprimand someone
else's child. The reason and purpose
a father chastises his child is out of
love for the child for the sake of
setting him on the right path and for
his spiritual growth. So too, the
tests which God gives us should be
taken as proof that He cares for us
and considers us His children and His responsibility.

" Be Still and Know "

Most people have heard
the spiritual phrase,
"Be still and know."
You may have wondered,
"know what?"
If you have to ask the
question you probably have
not been still long enough.
The answer to this
question may be different
for varying people with
varying backgrounds.
For some they will know
their creator,
some will know themselves,
some will know what
they are not,
some will know what they
are purposed to do with
their life, some will
know how to make the world
better for others,some
will know the answers to
their problems at work,
some will know the answers to their problems at home.
Whatever your answer may be,
the point is you will know more.
Science has told us the
brain is the most powerful
supercomputer in the world.
We have heard some of
its calculating abilities
during active thought.
What about its abilities
during stillness?
What about the spirit?
For many, their minds are
arguing that we have no spirit.
If that is you,
are you really being still?
Our societies are so fast
paced and busy that something
is always going on.
The world would lead us to
believe we have no
time to be still.
Even many people toss and turn
all night; stillness cannot be
achieved even when it
is time to sleep.
The first thing that most will learn
when trying to be still
is how much at motion
we really are.
Just pause right now
and be still and for the
next 20 seconds whatever
you do, don't think of
a big pink elephant.
Time's up, did you think
of the big pink elephant?
What's the lesson,
it is not as easy as it
sounds to be still.
Even though many issues relate to
activities, most of the inspiration
for the issues comes in stillness.
Be still and know.
Know what?
Be still and you will know.

" Woman Seeking Man "

We get many prayer requests
for a mate. Many are lonely
and seek a spouse.
We get many more prayer requests
from those who need help in
dealing with the spouse that
they already have.
This issue may help many women
who are desperately looking for
Mr. Right. Some have even
settled for Mr. Right Now.
The phenomenon affects more
women than men.
Society and perhaps biology
have long ago programmed women to
believe that they need to be
married early. Good marriage
is a good thing, make no
mistake about that,
but so many rush headlong into misery.
Let me give those rushing and
anxious souls something to
consider that may make the wait
far more tolerable.
1. Over half of all marriages end in divorce.
The figures are now moving
closer to two out of three.
Those stats are debatable
among the experts but one thing
is sure, it's a high figure.
Divorce is rated as the
second most traumatic event
in life, second only to death of a spouse.
By the time people divorce,
they have usually gone through many
years of unhappiness. Statistically,
chances are only four out of
ten that you won't divorce.
2. I read a survey in USA Today
years ago that has always stuck
with me. The survey asked couples
married for 25 years or more
one question. The question was:
"If you could get married all over again,
would you marry the same person?"
The results surprised me.
50% said yes, but 50% said no.
Half of the couples married
for over 25 years said they
would NOT marry that person again.
Needless to say, those were not 25
years of bliss. Those couples
were not happy.I know from dealing
with people and myself that those stats
are accurate.So here is the breakdown.
According to the stats,
if you marry, there is a
one in five chance that
you will be together 25 years
later and not regret whom
you married.One in five!
Marriage is a great thing when
it is right. When it is very wrong,
you are far better off remaining single.
Take your time. Become content.
Know the truth that it is
better to remain single than
to go through a tumultuous
divorce or be stuck with someone
whom you really regret you
married in haste. There is
one other bit of advice.
In most of the counseling cases
was where the marriage
has really gone sour,
almost without fail, one of
their parents had told them
not to marry the person.
Listen to mama and daddy.
It may save you many headaches
and heartaches from what you are
rushing off to do.

" Love 2.0 "

Tech Support:
Yes Ma'am, how can I help you? Customer:
Well, after much consideration,
I've decided to install Love.
Can you guide me through the process?
Tech Support:
Yes I can help you.Are you ready to proceed?
Well, I'm not very technical, but I think I'm ready.
What do I do first?
Tech Support:
The first step is to open your heart.
Have you located your heart Ma'am?
Yes, but there are several ther
programs running now. Is it okay to install
Love while they are running?
Tech Support:
What programs are running Ma'am?
Let's see, I have past-hurt,
low self-esteem, grudge,
and resentment running right now.
Tech Support:
No problem, Love will gradually erase
past-hurt from your current operating system.
It may remain in your permanent memory,
but it will no longer disrupt other programs.
Love will eventually override
low self-esteem with a module
of it's own called high self-esteem.
However, you have to completely turn off
grudge and resentment. Those programs
prevent Love from being properly installed.
Can you turn those off Ma'am?
I don't know how to turn them off.
Can you tell me how?
Tech Support:
With pleasure. Go to your start menu
and invoke forgiveness. Do this as
many times as necessary until grudge
and forgiveness have completely erased.
Okay done, Love has started
installing itself. Is that normal?
Tech Support:
Yes, but remember that you have
only the base program. You need to
begin connecting to other hearts in order
to get the upgrades.
Oops! I have an error message already.
It says, "error-program not run on external components."
What should I do?
Tech Support:
Don't worry Ma'am, It means the Love
program is set-up to run on internal hearts but has
not yet been run on your heart.
In non-technical terms, it means
you have to Love yourself before you can Love others.
So what should I do?
Tech Support:
Can you pull down self-acceptance;
then click on the following files:
Forgive-self; Realize your worth;
Acknowledge your limitations.
OK, done.
Tech Support:
Now copy them to the "My Heart" directory.
The system will overwrite any conflicting
files and begin patching faulty programming.
Also, you need to delete verbose self-criticism
from all directories and empty your recycle bin
to make sure it is completely gone and never comes back.
Got it. Hey!!! My Heart is filling up with new files.
Smile is playing on my monitor
and Peace and Contentment are copying
themselves all over My Heart. Is this normal?
Tech Support:
Sometimes. For others it takes a while,
but eventually everything gets downloaded
at the proper time. So Love is
installed and running. One more thing
before we hang-up. Love is Freeware.
Be sure to give it and it's various modules
to everyone you meet. They will in
turn share it with others and return some
cool modules back to you.
I promise to do just that. By the way,
what's your name?
Tech Support:
Just call me the Divine Cardiologist,
also known as the Great Physician,
or just "I AM."
Most people feel all they need is
an annual checkup to stay heart-healthy;
but the manufacturer (ME) suggests
a daily maintenance schedule for
maximum Love efficiency. KEEP IN TOUCH!

~ Author Unknown ~

" Your Life Time "

What do you think needs to happen
before you can be happy? Before you can be fulfilled?
Before you can live the way you were intended to live?
With Faith in God
that loves you with an overwhelmingly unbelievevable love?
With what joy unexplained?
We live in a realm that uses time.
We only get to live one second at a time.
God holds this entire realm in His hand.
He sees the entire thing all at a glance.
To Him, what has been is now and what will be is now.
So if we could see through His eyes,
what you need you already have.
What needs to happen has already happened. Therefore, we are able to
live our lives fulfilled, content, happy and expectant knowing
that we already have what we need
and what we will need in the future is just waiting there for us.
It`s already taken place.
It`s already "in the bag."
We can have confidence in the fact that we have been taken care of.
So, let your life be full,
freely giving and freely receiving.
You can let love flow out of your heart confident
that more will flow in.
You can live with your needs met even before you see that they are
met because you know that at just the perfect time,
they will be met.
If our lives were charted out on a time-line, and we
could glimpse that time-line,
we would see that the times we lived with an expectation
of what was to come,
the distance between when we believed and when we received
would be shorter than the times when we had no expectation.
We have the opportunity
to live a full "time-line" by anticipating what is coming next.
And knowing that, we are able
to give more of what we possess in ourselves because we know
there is another marker on our time-line
waiting for us to get to it.
When my life is through, I want my time-line to be
crowded with faces of those I loved.
Lives that were changed by my service to them.
I know that love freely given
accumulates interest and I will be the richer for it-either in this
life or the one to come.
But I work not for the return, but for the privilege
of letting His love flow through me.
For as I let it flow,
I can`t help but be cleansed and invigorated by it.

" To Our Troops... "
For all of the many days away
And the nights you’ve spent alone
For all of the time you have given
The love and dedication you have shown.
For all of the things that you’ve been through,
The sacrifices you have made
Whether sitting in an office
Or dodging bullets and hand grenades.
Perhaps you are floating on a ship
Or flying a jet fighter through the sky
Flying a chopper, or riding a tank
Or--watching your buddies die.
With an open heart full of appreciation,
We send our love and gratitude to you
Thank you for keeping watch over us
Thank you for all that you do.
Our hearts are filled with nothing but pride
As our precious flag is unfurled
Because of you maybe some day
We will know peace around the world.
Thank You To Each And Every One Of You
Serving In The Armed Forces
Protecting Freedom And Our Country
And Fighting For World Peace…
May God Bless You and God Bless America

I would have talked less and
listened more.I would have invited
friends over to dinner even if
the carpet was stained and the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in
the "GOOD" living room and worried
much less about the dirt when someone
wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen
to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car
windows be rolled up on a summer
day because my hair had just been done.
I would have burned the pink candle
sculpted like a rose before it melted
in storage. I would have sat on the lawn
with my children and not worried about
grass stains. I would have cried
and laughed less while watching television
and more while watching life.
I would have gone to bed when
I was sick instead of pretending the
earth would go into a holding pattern
if I weren't there for the day. I would
never have bought anything just because it
was practical, wouldn't show soil or was
guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months
of pregnancy, I'd have cherished every
moment realizing that the wonderment
growing inside me was the only
chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously,
I would never have said, "Later.
Now go get washed up for dinner."
There would have been more "I love you" ...
more "I'm sorry" ... but mostly, given
another shot at life, I would seize
every minute...look at it and really
see it... live it... and never
give it back. I would tell all my friends
that I need and love and that my life would
be empty without them! Maybe, just maybe,
you would share more moments. You can't live over.
You can live differently - starting right now.

" GO REST! "

Stop Do NOTHING!!!
You need to rest and take
a break sometimes. I can go into
a long psychological and physiological explanation
of why you need to do this but most
of you instinctively know this.
You know that you need to stop,
rest, and take a break sometimes.
We all know it but often we are slaves,
and slaves aren't usually given
sufficient rest. Most of you are saying,
"I'm not a slave!". This is the EXACT dictionary definition of a slave:
slave n. 1. One bound in servitude
as the property of a person or household. 2. One who is abjectly subservient to
a specified person or influence.
3. One who works extremely hard.
According to statistics, we work now
longer than ever. Two jobs, or one job
that we work more than 50 hours a week is
commonplace. Why? Because we often
feel that we have to. Money is not
usually stacked in the bank. We are
usually slaving to pay current bills.
The determining factor in how
much to lend someone is not how
much they can comfortably pay,
but how much they can pay under a
strain. When looking for a house,
most don't consider how much they can
comfortably pay, but how much the bank
will lend them. The number one
credit card world wide is called, MASTERcard.
The name is no accident.
If one is the Master, that means
the other is the . . .
The CARD is usually the master.
Yes, and the best slave is the
one that doesn't realize it. The high
credit card bills, the high mortgages
and rent, the high car notes, etc.
makes it where most can't even take a
relaxing time to themselves.
We have become slaves and don't realize it.
Divine law tries to prevent us
from becoming slaves. We are all
familiar with the ten commandments
whether we agree with them or not.
The first commandment where we are told
something to do is the fourth commandment.
It says to work six days and to rest
on the seventh day. That's a principle
not only of human flesh, it's a principle
of dirt. Any good farmer will tell
you that to get maximum production
from farm land, you need to plant
six years and let the ground sit idle
for the seventh year. If you own
your own business, that can enslave you,
more than working for someone else if you
let it. The key is to recognize truth.
Recognize an enslaver, whether it
is a job, a business, a car, a relationship,
or whatever wraps you so tight that
you can't even rest once a week
or once in a while. You don't have
to go to Jamaica. Go spend a
weekend with Grandma. Go somewhere
and do exactly what I am about to tell you.
Go rest, you deserve it,
and you shouldn't be a slave. This is the
outline of your duties while you
rest between the quotes:" "

" The Battle "

There's a battle going
on inside all of us.
Some people win.
Some people lose.
Then there are people,
Where it's just a constant
up and down situation.
The light.
An inner peace.
A constant flow of content.
This is what takes over
when people win.
Not many people do.
The darkness.
A sadness.
A total feeling of loss.
This is what takes over
when people lose.
Lots of people do.
The constant war.
The mix of ups and downs,
Of contempt and anguish,
Of peace and calm.
This is when people die trying.
The majority of people do.
They'll live a constant battle.
Where the stars of hope,
Shine brightly as many times,
As they fade into darkness.
The people who lose,
Don't realize,
That the darkness
is just clouds,
Covering the stars.
They give up waiting,
For the stars to come out again,
So the stars never do.
The fighters keep wishing,
For the stars to come out,
So the stars will.
But they always have
feelings of doubt,
And the clouds like the doubt.
That makes it harder for the stars,
But they manage.
And the people who win?
They don't mind a bit of cloudy weather.
Be Encouraged

" 35 Stress Reducers for Christians "

1. Pray.

2. Go to bed on time.

3. Get up on time so you can start the day unrushed.

4. Say No to projects that won't fit into your time schedule,
or that will compromise your mental health.

5. Delegate tasks to capable others.

6. Simplify and unclutter your life. Less is more.
(Although one is often not enough, two are often too many.)

7. Allow extra time to do things and to get to places.

8. Pace yourself. Spread out big changes and
difficult projects over time; don't lump
the hard things all together.

9. Take one day at a time.
Separate worries from concerns.
If a situation is a concern, find out
what God would have you to do
and let go of the anxiety.

10. If you can't do anything about a situation, forget it.

11. Live within your budget; don't use
credit cards for ordinary purchases.

12. Have backups; an extra car key
in your wallet, an extra house key
buried in the garden, extra stamps, etc.

13. K.M.S. (Keep Mouth Shut.)
This single piece of advice can prevent an enormous amount of trouble.

14. Do something for the Kid in You everyday.

15. Carry a Bible with you to read while waiting in line.

16. Get enough exercise.

17. Eat right.

18. Get organized so everything has its place.

19. Listen to a tape while driving that can
help improve your quality of life.

20. Write thoughts and inspirations down.

21. Everyday, find time to be alone.

22. Having problems?
Talk to God on the spot. Try to nip
small problems in the bud.
Don't wait until its time to go to bed to try and pray.

23. Make friends with Godly people.

24. Keep a folder of favorite scriptures on hand.

25. Remember that the shortest bridge between
despair and hope is often a good "Thank you Jesus!"

26. Laugh.

27. Laugh some more!

28. Take your work seriously, but yourself not at all.

29. Develop a forgiving attitude
(most people are doing the best they can).

30. Be kind to unkind people
(they probably need it the most).

31. Sit on your ego.

32. Talk less; listen more.

33. Slow down.

34. Remind yourself that you are
not the general manager of the universe.

35. Every night before bed,PRAY and think of
one thing you're grateful for that you've
never been grateful for before.


“To God Be The Glory”


Let go of hurt, pain, and grief.
Let God be your comfort, your relief.
Let go of war, terrorism and violence.
Let God be your protector and defense.
Let go of bigotry, prejudice and hate.
Let God's love and kindness set you straight.
Let go of your worries and concern.
Let God be your comforter and relief that
you yearn Let go of your headaches,
tension and stress. Let God calm you and
clean up your daily mess. Let go of negativity
Let God be your positivity. Let go of your frown
Let God turn your frown upside down.
Let go of those things that give you trouble.
Let God inflate your life and be your helium,
your air, your balloon, your bubble. Let go of
impurities of drugs, cigarettes, pork or swine.
Let God be your filter for all things divine.
Let go of lies, cheating, stealing, and sin.
Let God open new doors for you to come in.
Let go by taking a deep cleansing breath and
release. Let God be your holy officer, your
spiritual police. Let go and let God.
And his angels be your glorious squad.
Remember to give thanks and praise.
~Author..By Monique Nicole Fox~

~ Be Encouraged…..Lovable

~~ A Child's Ten Commandments to Parents ~~

1. My hands are small;
please don't expect perfection whenever
I make a bed, draw a picture or throw a ball.
My legs are short; please slow
down so that I can keep up with you.

2. My eyes have not seen the
world as yours have; please let
me explore safely. Don't restrict me unnecessarily.

3. Housework will always be there.
I'm only little for a short time,
please take time to explain things to
me about this wonderful world
and do so willingly.

4. My feelings are tender; please
be sensitive to my needs. Don't
nag me all day long. ( You wouldn't want to be
nagged for your inquisitiveness).
Treat me as you would like to be treated.

5. I am a special gift from God;
please treasure me as God intended you
to do, holding me accountable for my actions,
giving me guidelines to live by
and disciplining me in a loving manner.

6. I need your encouragement to grow.
Please go easy on the criticism;
remember, you can criticize the things I do
without criticizing me.

7. Please give me the freedom to
make decisions concerning myself.
Permit me to fail, so that I
can learn from my mistakes.
Then someday I'll be prepared to make
the kinds of decisions that life requires of me.

8. Please don't do things over for me.
Somehow that makes me feel that my
efforts didn't quite measure up to your
expectations. I know it's hard,
but please don't try to
compare me to my brother or sister.

9. Please don't be afraid to leave for
a weekend together.
Kids need vacations from parents,
just as parents need vacations from kids.
Besides, it's a great way to show us
kids that your marriage is very special.

10. Please take me to church regularly,
setting a good example for me to follow.
I enjoy learning more about God.

~~Today (tell him...)~~
Dust off your Faith....Tell the devil today,
he is a liar! He will not
take your joy, your peace or disturb your spirit.
Tell him he cannot sleep in your bed - there`s
not enough cover. Tell him he cannot sit in your chair -
you will not give a cushion of comfort.
Tell him he can`t touch your body - it`s
covered with the blood. Tell him he cannot audit your finances -
you`ve changed accountants. Tell him he cannot enter your home -
the locks have been changed. Tell him to
leave your workplace - he`s not on
your list of things to do today. Tell him
to take his hands off of your children -
because you`ve had hands laid on.
Tell him you have no time for his nonsense,
criticism or fears - you are on a mission,
and you walk by Faith. Tell him no more
tears, heartaches, or headaches - because there`s
another He, that restoreth your soul.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Tell him.
Tell him, today, you have a gentle,
powerful inner peace within, that consumes you and
leaves no room for confusion. Tell him,
today you will - respond soothingly to a crying child,
a tense spouse, or an important friend. Tell him,
today, you will find no fault with a relative,
friend, or colleague. Tell him
to leave your tonge alone-for today you will not talk of anyone,
before placing God at the beginning of your thought.
Tell him, wherever you are, that God Is.
Tell him, God said,
"My people will abide in a peaceful habitation...
and in quiet resting places."
Isaiah 32:18

Today, Tell him he is a liar!!!
"I have said this to you, so that in me
you may have peace. In the world you face persecution.
But take courage; I have conquered the world!"

John 16:33

If You Ever Need Me.......
I'll be right here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear.
I'll be two steps behind,
To follow in your footsteps,
And hear what's on your mind.
You'll never have to fear,
That your presence isn't important,
And your love isn't dear.
I'll aways be around,
To bring back the laughter,
Where deep in your heart it's found.
You'll never have to worry,
For I'll always be here,
To chase away the sadness,
And wipe away a tear.
I Am Here For You !!

~~The High Calling ~~
If God has called you to be really
like Jesus in all your spirit,
he will draw you into a life of crucifixion
and humility, and put on you such demands of
obedience that he will not allow you to follow
other Christians, and in many ways he will seem
to let other good people do things which he
will not let you do. Other Christians and
ministers who seem very religious and useful may
push themselves, pull wires and work schemes to carry out their plans,
but you cannot do it; and if you attempt it,
you will meet with such failure and rebuke from
the Lord as to make you sorely penitent.
Others can brag on themselves, on their work,
on their success, on their writings, but the
Holy Spirit will not allow you to do any such thing,
and if you begin it, he will lead you into
some deep mortification that will make you despise
yourself and all your good works. Others will be allowed
to succeed in making great sums of money,
or having a legacy left to them or in having luxuries,
but God may supply you daily because he wants
you to have something far better than gold,
and that is a helpless dependence on him that
he may have the privilege of providing your
needs day by day out of the unseen treasury.
The Lord may let others be honored and put
forward and keep you hid away in obscurity
because he wants you to produce some choice,
fragrant fruit for his coming glory, which can
only be produced in the shade.
God will let others be great, but keep you small,
he will let others do a work for him
and get the credit for it, but he will make you
work and toil on without knowing how much you
are doing; and then, to make your work still more precious,
he will let others get the credit for the
work which you have done; this will make your reward even greater
when Jesus comes. The Holy Spirit will put a
strict watch on you with a jealous love, and
will rebuke you for little words and feelings or
for wasting your time, which other Christians
never seem distressed over. So make up your
mind that God is an infinite Sovereign, and has a
right to do as he pleases with his own, and he
will not explain to you a thousand things which
may puzzle your reason in his dealings with you.
God will take you at your word; and if you
absolutely sell yourself to be his slave he
will wrap you up in jealous love and let other
people say and do many things that you cannot do or say.
Settle it forever that you are to deal directly with
the Holy Spirit and that he is to have the privilege of tying
your tongue, or chaining your hand or closing your eyes in ways that
others are not dealt with. Now when you are so
possessed with the living God that you are,
in your secret heart, pleased and delighted over this
peculiar, personal, private, jealous guardianship and
management of the Holy Spirit over your life,
you will have found the vestibule of heaven.
Be Encouraged.....Lovable

"My Grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness." 2 Corinthians 12:9

When you are your weakest, remember, God is always strong.
No burden is too great when you rely on Him.

1."How many minutes a day do I read my Bible?"

2."How many minutes a day do I pray?"

3."How many minutes a day do I
share my faith with others?"

4."How many minutes a day do I thank the
Lord for His kindness towards me?"

5."How many minutes a day do I sing His praises?"

6.Then there are these questions:
"How many minutes a day do I over eat?"

7."How many minutes a day do I
think about what I want?"

8."How many minutes a day do I do
what I want to do?"

9."How many minutes a day do I promote myself?"
Well, that's enough questions because they reveal
too well that I tend to live for myself much more
than I live for Jesus.
What about you? Amen?

" What a wonderful new meaning for ASAP! "
Always Say A Prayer (A.S.A.P.) There's work to do,
deadlines to meet, you've got no time to spare,
but as you hurry and scurry, always say a prayer.
In the midst of family chaos, "quality time" is rare.
Do your best; let God do the rest: Always say a prayer.
It may seem like your worries are more than you can bear.
Slow down and take a breather - always say a prayer.
God knows how stressful life is; He wants to ease our cares,
and He'll respond a.s.a.p. - ALWAYS SAY A PRAYER

I dreamed I had an interview with The Great Spirit.
"Come in," Spirit said.
"So, you would like to interview Me?"
"If you have the time,"I said.
Spirit smiled and said,
"My time is eternity and is enough to do everything;
what questions do you have in mind to ask me?"
"What surprises you most about mankind?"
Spirit answered;"-That they get bored of being children,
are in a rush to grow up,
and then long to be children again.
-That they lose their health to make money
and then lose their money to
restore their health.
-That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live neither for the
present nor the future.
-That they live as if they will never die,
and they die as if they had never lived."
The Great Spirit's hands took mine and
we were silent for a while and then I asked,
"As a parent, what are some of life's lessons
that children should learn?"
Spirit replied with a smile;
"-To learn that they cannot make anyone love them.
What they can do is
to let themselves be loved.
-To learn that a rich person is
not the one who has the most, but is one
who needs the least.
-To learn that it only takes a few seconds to
open profound wounds in persons we love,
and that it takes many years to heal them.
-To learn that there are persons who love them dearly,
but simply do not know how to express
or show their feelings.
-To learn that two people can look at the
same thing and see it totally different.
-To learn that it is not always enough that
they be forgiven by others, but that they
have to forgive themselves."
I sat there for awhile enjoying the moment.
I thanked Him for His time and for all that
He has done for me and my family.
He replied, "Anytime.
I'm here 24 hours a day.
All you have to do is ask for me, and I'll answer."
People will forget what you said.
People will forget what you did.
But people will never
forget how you made them feel.


If we woke up this morning with more
health than are more blessed than
the million who will not survive this week.
If we have never experienced the
danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment,
the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation..
you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.
If we attend a church meeting without
fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death..
you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.
If we have food in the refrigerator,
clothes on your back, a roof overhead and
a place to sleep.. you are richer than 75% of this world.
If we have money in the bank,
in your wallet, and spare change in a dish
someplace.. you are among the top8% of the world`s wealthy.
If our parents are still alive
or still married.. we are very rare, even in
the United States. If we hold up our head
with a smile on our face and are truely thankful..
we are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.
If we can read this message,
we just received a double blessing in that
someone was thinking of us, and furthermore,
we are more blessed than over two billion people
in the world that cannot read at all.


Ephesians 5:22-25 (Living Bible)

You wives must submit to your husband`s leadership
in the same way you submit to the Lord. For the husband is in charge of his wife in the same way Christ
is in charge of his body the Church.(He gave his very life to take care of it and be it`s Savior!)
So you wives must willingly obey your husbands in everything,
just as the Church obeys Christ.
And you husbands, show the same kind of love to your wives as Christ
showed to the Church when he died for her,
to make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and
"God`s Word." God gave mankind the blueprint for all authority
in marriage covenant.
It amazes me how many couples are always seeking
more peace and less strife in their marriage without a clear
understanding of the Biblical roles of marriage.
He established the marriage covenant
to express how authority in heaven and earth
has been designed.
People have a very clear understanding of authority
in many areas of life.
For instance, there is only one boss
in the workplace that is ultimately responsible for the final
results of the business.
There is only one coach making that final call as the end of the game
that either wins or looses the big game.
We seem to loose something in the marriage relationship
when it comes to understanding our roles.
It is important that we understand that no role is greater
than the other in a marriage because God has made
us "ONE" in marriage.
A wife is a peacemaker in the her home.
The Lord showeth us that all people under
authority either bring peace
or strife into a relationship depending on their choice whether or
not to submit to that authority.
God ordained authority for order, protection, and
peace for all people.
At this time of the year and with everything
going on in the world our hearts
yearn for peace on earth and goodwill towards men.

HUSBANDS- Make sure that your wife knows she is the only woman in your
life and "love" her by "serving" her.
Your example is the Lord.

WIFE- Respect your husband`s wishes even
when you do not agree and
take matters to the Lord in prayer and fasting because that
is where real change comes from.

EMPLOYERS- Let your employees know what a
vital role they play in the success
of the business and teach them that no role is more important
than any other on the team.

EMPLOYEES- Find and speak positive things
about your boss instead of negative back biting
because that only breeds
rebellion in your heart and never brings the kind of changes
you are seeking.

Remember that there will never
be true peace until we are all under His authority
because He is the Prince of Peace.
And it took me 31 years
to realize this....Lovable


I've heard it said
don't go to bed while hanging on to sorrow,
you may not have the chance to laugh with those you love tomorrow.
You may not mean the words
you speak when anger takes its toll, you may regret your actions
once you've lost your self-control.
When you've lost your temper and you've said some hurtful things,
think about the heartache that your
actions sometime bring.
You'll never get those moments back, such precious time to waste, and all because
of things you said in anger and in haste.
So if you're loving someone
and your pride has settled in, you may not ever have the chance
to say to them again... "I love you
and I miss you and although we don't agree,
I'll try to see your point of view,
please do the same for me."........ Be Encouraged, Lovable

~~ Eagles ~~

Lord, help me to soar like an eagle,
strong and true,
steadfast in my faith of you.
Lord, help me to soar like an eagle.
Let me fly with the angels.
Let me soar with the joy of knowing you.
Let each heart beat bring me closer to you.
In the wind I hear your voice whispering my name.
Higher and higher I go,
I'll never be the same, Your love has changed me.
No longer tethered, instead set free,
To soar.

"Those Who Love You"

If anyone should hurt you
And say a thing unkind,
Remember what I tell you,
And keep these things in mind.

For every one who makes you cry,
There are three who make you smile,
And a smile will last a long, long time,
But a tear just a little while!

If someone says a thing that's cruel,
Don't let it get to you,
There's so much good about you,
And your faults are very few.

So if a certain someone
Should act a certain way,
Just think of those who love you
And don't let it ruin your day.

Don't let someone who hates the world
Cause you to hate it too,
For behind the clouds is a golden sun,
And a sky that's bright and blue!


Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip
around the sun every year.
How long a minute is depends on what side of the
bathroom door you're on.
Birthdays are good for you;
the more you have, the longer you live.
Happiness comes through doors you
didn't even know you left open.
Ever notice that the people who are late
are often much jollier than the people who have to wait for them?
Most of us go to our grave
with our music still inside of us.
If Walmart is lowering prices
every day,how come nothing is free yet?
You may be only one person in the world,
but you may also be the world to one person.
Some mistakes are too
much fun to only make once.
Don't cry because it's over;
smile because it happened.
We could learn a lot from crayons:
some are sharp, some are pretty,
some are dull, some have weird names,
and all are different colors....but
they all exist very nicely in the same box.
A truly happy person
is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
Be Encouraged......Lovable

You say:"It's impossible."

God says: All things are possible. (Luke 18:27)

You say:"I'm too tired."

God says:I will give you rest.(Matthew 11:28-30)

You say:"Nobody really loves me."

God says:I love you.(John 3:16 & John 13:34)

You say:"I can't go on."

God says:My grace is sufficient.

(II Corinthians 12:9 & Psalm 91:15)

You say:"I can't figure things out."

God says:I will direct your steps.(Proverbs 3:5-6)

You say:"I can't do it."
God says: You can

do all things.(Philippians 4:13)
You say:"I'm

not able."
God says:I am able (II Corinthians

You say:"It's not worth it."

says:It will be worth it.(Roman 8:28)
You say:"I

can't forgive myself."

John 1:9 & Romans 8:1)
You say:"I can't

God says:I will supply all your needs.

(Philippics 4:19)
You say:"I'm

God says: I have not given you a spirit of fear.
(II Timothy 1:7)
You say:"I'm always worried and frustrated."
God says: Cast all your cares on ME.(I Peter 5:7)
You say:"I don't have enough faith."
God says: I've given everyone a measure of faith.(Romans 12:3)
You say:"I'm not smart enough."
God says:I give you wisdom.(I Corinthians 1:30)
You say:"I feel all alone."
God says:I will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews13:5)

~ A Thought For Today ~

A man may go to heaven......
without health, without wealth;
without fame, without a great name;
without learning, without earnings;
without culture, without beauty;
without friends and without ten thousand other things-----
But he can NEVER go to Heaven without Christ.

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