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Hulaoguan's Domain

This web site belongs to Hulaoguan. It is underconstruction at the moment. Hulaoguan (»¢ÀιØ)means " Tiger Trap Pass" in Chinese. The battle of Tiger Trap Pass took place in AD 190. It was one of the battles that saw the descent of China under the Eastern Han dynasty into chaos and the beginning of a new era, known to history as The Three Kingdoms. I choose this username because lots of heroes fought at that battle, and I love to read about and watching heroes, in history and in real life. Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire.

This site will have my views on the following

Forums where I am active and links to other material on this site:

Page on Three Kingdoms
RTK Frontier Palace: Forum on discussion on Three Kingdoms
Paradox Forum on Europa Universalis 2
Biography of Yue Fei