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His Love ~ So Great




" And it was about the sixth hour, and there was a darkness
over all the earth until the ninth hour.
And the sun was darkened, 
and the veil of the temple was rent in the midst. 
And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said,
Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit:
and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."

- Luke 23:44-46 (KJV) 

His Hands 

Healed the sick
so that we could know His compassion ...

His Hands 

Held a child
so that we could know His kindness...

His Hands

Touched the oppressed
so that we could know His concern...

His Hands

Bore two nails
so that we could know...

His Love

"I am He who lives,
and was dead,
and behold,
I am alive forevermore..."

Revelation 1:18 NKJV




Background Swatches


1st Table

2nd Table

Table Foreground 1

Table Foreground 2

Link to:

There's not many "rules" to follow:

1) Please place my logo and credits on the page of the graphics and link back to:

Holiday House Designs

2) Holiday House Designs' graphics and backgrounds may not be used on a commercial site

3) Please e-mail me with your URL so that I may enjoy your work and place your site URL on my pages for others to enjoy :o)

Download the graphics to your hard drive.

Directions for Downloading Images:

1. Move cursor over the Image

2. Click with the right mouse button (Macs click and hold the mouse button)

3. A little menu will pop up and from the menu select "Save as Image"

Directions for Downloading Backgrounds:

1. Move cursor over background border
(Netscape users may not be able to save all backgrounds on tables,
so small graphic swatches will be provided whenever possible for Netscape users)

2. Click with the right mouse button (Macs click and hold the mouse button)

3. The little menu will pop up again; this time select "Save Background as"

©Holiday House Designs 2000.
