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Kos Town Photographs
Kos Neo Polis Fotos

InformationKos Town Pictures
   Kos town, because of its location off of the Angola coast, has know human habitation since archaic period. What most likely started out as a lay over spot turned into a fair size city that has been inhabited for well over 2500 years. However, because of this fact, it has also been visited by all the invaders that have moved across the Med. Greek, Romans, Persians, French, Venetians, and Turks. As a result, the town shows a rich mixture of ruins from all of these cultures. What other place where you see the ruins of a doric temple next to a former Mosque. Here are my pics of the town.

I hope you enjoy the photos. Any comments, please E-mail me, .

Click on the title or thumbnail to view the larger picture.

Part I Waterfront and Town

Fishing Boats in Harbor

Mosque and Minneret

Modern Cat, Ancient Agora

Police Station


Hipocathries Tree

New Town II New Town III Castle
Ancient Agora More Kos Photos Grecko-Roman Ruins
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All photos by John L. Polos
Copyright November 16, 2001. Updates September 23, 2003