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These are pictures I drew....I think This is a Picture of my Old Furcadia Person... I still use her sometimes. Her name is Nebulate. She is a Backwards Skunk. I drew her wiff markers...If you couldn't tell. OMG! I hate this picture... It was used in an art trade with one of my Furcadia friends, Khem. It sucks so bad...I wanna make her a new one...o-o; I love this picture though.. its of my current Furc person Zeppelin Gray...Its good besides the suckie coloring I did. If you thought I hated the Khemmie Picture and you thought that was bad... Look at this mess. I like the landscape and i think its funny but it suck big time bad. the little shadow dude is named Bunny. She is on the backs of my notebooks and my dry erase board in my room...She usally has a jester's hat and is nicknamed joe standing for Jingle of Evil...but this was the first time i ever drew her. OMG! What you don't believe I drew this? Are you insane? Of course I didn't.... Its a picture of my kitty when he was small and cute and not evil. his name is Baxter. Atleast he scares my friends away -_- I'm joking....I hope... Lookie its Bunny! She is spookeh here and better drawn...She is just sweet. >:) More Shall be Add...As soon as I get my scanner fixed or a new one... You shall see better pictures.