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Yamato in a box ('coz love is
entertaining, never too scintillating)!
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Yeah! I love Kouji!  Not sure it's right but...
Which Digimon Frontier character are you?
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Akira, huh?  Not sure I have as much drive as he does for anything, but he IS quiet...
Which Hikaru no GO character are you?

Aww, I'm happy I got her!  I'm not NEARLY as girly as her, but oh well!
Which CCS character are you?
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I had a feeling I'd be him... it's too bad he REALLY bugs me for some reason (maybe the hair...). >_<
Which Gundam Wing character are you?

Mwahahaha!!  Fear the Sneaky Villian! What an amusing idea for a quiz.
What Type of Villain are You?

Oh wow, Van?  Cool!  WINGS!!  Actually I got Millerna 1st with Van in 2nd...  So I retook it and Van came up 1st instead. ^_~
Which Escaflowne character are you?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!  Wow, so didn't see this one coming!  But I tried changing some answers and the character just wouldn't change... feh
What Inuyasha character are you?

~ The quiz is no longer there, but there is a note from the creator about what happened to the old site. ~
Ok, just had to take this one.  And I may be a little self conscious, but I can guarrentee that's not why!
What Obscure Animal are you?

~ Ditto the one above. ~
Sasuke!!  Wow...  So wrong, again.  I was thinking Hinata...  Oh well!  ^_^
Which Naruto Character Are You?

Aww, he's a cutie!  I wish I were more dependable, but I AM rather naive... ^_^;;
Which Kingdom Hearts Character Are You?

I kinda figured I'd be Tsukasa...  The pic doesn't give you a very good overall personality description, though.
Which .hack//SIGN Character Are You?

'You are 'Welcome to the Caribbean, love.' You're more than a little world-weary, but also intelligent and you keep your head when things get dodgy. You're everybody's favorite drinking buddy, but your stubbornness does get in the way sometimes.' Heh, ok... arrrr...
Which of Captain Jack Sparrow's Bizarre Sayings from 'Pirates of the Caribbean' Are You?

Ok, ok, I'll be honest, first I got Sylphiel, but there were several questions where there were two choices I was stuck between.  So I redid it with those and got Zel here.  And I like him better. ^_~  So, yeah, I'm actually a combo of Zel and Sylph...  Weird...
Which Slayers Character Are You?

AWW!!  I'm Al!!  How cool!!  Not my favorite character, but definately the character whose personality I would like to be most of all! ^_^  Can't say it's that close, but I'd like to think so...
Which Hagaren (FMA) Character Are You?

I'm serious!  I got Kyo on TWO different quizzes! Weird... I like this part of the other one: 'Often disgruntled and easily annoyed, you often wonder why people can't just shut up!' Hahahaha!  That can be me. ^_^;;
Which Fruits Basket Character are You?

Haha, milk!  I love milk!  Not sure I'd like milk Pocky, but... Gentle and kind, huh?  I guess I can be, lol, though I don't cry at roadkill (just get very very saddened.....).  But hey!  I build strong bones. ^_~
What Flavor Pocky Are You?

Rukia, huh?  I guess.  Not a huge fan, but I had no idea who I would get anyway, lol.  So sure, ok.
Which Bleach Character are You?

Haha, well, I won't say I'm surprised, I guess.  Yeah for Athrun!  He's definately my fav (which is why I love Destiny - he's got a bigger part AND Shinn is in it too). :P
Which Gundam Seed Character are You?

I got Heimdall!  XD  That's kinda scary, but hey, I love him so I don't much care.  And I DO hold grudges...
Which Mythical Detective Loki - Ragnarok Character are You?

Disturbed??  Alone, sure.  Anger, ok.  But disturbed??  Although, I knew I would end up with Kouji.  Either him or his twin.
Which Digimon Frontier Mental Disorder are You?

Depressing and easily manupulated...  That's... depressing... T_T
Which Kimura Kouichi (Digimon Frontier) are You?

D-davis??  Ok, I was expecting, like, Ken or something.  Maybe even Cody/Iori.  But Davis??  I guess he goes with my Sora from KH...
Which Digimon 02 Character are You?