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simple & easy pages done at an affordable price.

and if you want with a dash of flair.


Ron Sprague

Photo editing, graphics and pages for the web



 weather your are using the internet trying to make some spare cash or just having fun on the web but do not want the complex hassles of usual web page designs - just something simple and affordable, and possibley with a dash of flair, I can help.

I can even do payment installments for the really cash strapped.



Photo Design and Artwork

customer links

my Zazzle Page

 to contact me

contact me by E-mail

or contact me through ICQ # 392528041

I will send you my snail mail addy and phone number via E-mail or ICQ

I am currently working with a very old computer, power Mac G3 with OS9.1

aka Ancient - this is to help me raise the funds to get a better computer,

so what I can access on the internet is limited,

I will contact you and discuss details about what you want done

and see if it is possible with my equipment.