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Welcome to KAOTIK EXPRESSIONS. This site is the humble home of artwork, rants, and general info about me, Erin Zerbe. The site is under MAJOR CONSTRUCTION right now, but I promise more to come in the near future.

Check out my artwork galleries, which contains my fanart, original work, comic pencils, and much more. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN BUYING MY WORK, please go to the prints section of my gallery. If there is a particular piece you've seen my in galleries, and don't see availble in the prints section, do not fear, just drop me a line and I'll see what we can do to work it out.

Vital Stats is just alittle info about me, and a background on yours truely. Nothing too amazing there, unless of course you're interested in my alliances....

My so called just that. That section contains images and rants. Info about me, my buddies...and the Green Lantern of sector 2814....

If you're completely in the wrong place, and just wanna escape the horror that is my website, check out Black Forest Studios. The work there is AMAZING, and the people there are great. Check it out!

And finally, if you're in the mood for some awesome action webcomics, check out Graphic Smash. The membership is cheap and the stuff is awesome. Tell 'em Zerbe sent ya! If you have any questions, comments....suggestions....death threats? Drop me a line. I read my mail sometimes....really, I do.

where do we go from here...?

Artwork Galleries
Vital Stats
My so called life....
Black Froest Studios
Graphic Smash
