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Enchanted Quill






Short Stories



Short Stories

The Writings of Political Blonde

Meet: Political Blonde

<---This photo was taken shortly before my plane took off for a trip to London. I look dreadful from just running all the way across the airport in Atlanta and to make matters worse the air conditioning was broken!

Dear Visitor,

I must say that I am most happy that you have chosen to visit the Enchanted Quill the site that I worked forever to create because I absolutely hate most servers due to one thing or another. This is my online library of literary works both of original origin and fanfiction origin. I have one shots, novels, and poetry alike posted her to share with all of you. At the moment I don’t really know what to call you; blessed readers or fans of my work? I don’t want you to see me as conceited and over confident despite the fact I sometimes am but I’m not too bad. I guess what I really want to say here though is have fun, flame me (my grammar is horrible so you should have plenty to say about that), or praise me whichever you so choose. Thank you and welcome to Enchanted Quill!

Yours truly,
Political Blonde